Chapter Three - Voices of Reason

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I gave a small ump as I stumbled back after bumping into the figure that was there as I was escaping the disconnect in the mess hall.

"Sorry." I apologised knowing I was going at quite a fast pace.

"Lily." I finally recognised who I had bumped into and couldn't believe that he had escaped and managed to get here.

"Mr Mellark. I..." He embraced me

"You just came from the mess hall." I nodded and sat down hanging my feet over the edge, he complied my actions.

"Did you watch the interview?"

"I saw it, yes." I looked at my Father in law.

"They have to be making him say that right? I know Peeta doesn't want a fight but asking for a ceasefire....There can't be a ceasefire, not after everything Snow's done." He sighed

"Throughout the years I have watched that man do many things to many people. I watched him as his games reaped my son and the girl he love volunteered. I also watched the flames of the home and business I ran caused by his orders. My son is the only one I have left. And I know he's saying what he needs to stay alive. To come back to you, While I believe that apart of him doesn't want a war, the other is in survival mode."

"But everyone in there believes what he's saying, they want him hanged."

"They don't matter, the only person's opinion that matters is yours. So tell me do you want him hanged?"

"No, never."

"Then you must fight to change their mind. Do what you two have always done even in the face of unrest and diversity. Prove them wrong." He kissed my head and got up and left. I went back to the pod and sat there rolling the pearl between my fingers. I heard the door open then Gale and Katniss sat across from me.

"He could have done a lot of damage tonight. Most districts, people are still to afraid to join. They need the courage."

"Why do you think he said that then?" Kat wondered. Gale sighed

"I don't know maybe he was forced."

"Of course he was. He's not stupid, everyone is angry at Snow. No one will have a ceasefire." Kat took my hand and rubbed soothing circles

"He didn't look that bad. Maybe he made some kind of deal to protect you" Katniss offered and then it clicked in my head.

"He's still playing the game."


"No! No! No! No!" my eyes shout open after having another nightmare. I sat up sharply and looked around. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. It was Peeta

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah. I just had a nightmare." He pulled me down into his arms

"It's okay. I get them too."

"Promise you'll stay with me." I mutter trailing my finger on his arm.

"Always." he kisses my head


I wake up alone and I looked around. There was no sign of him. It was a dream.

"Hey." I look over to Rory who is sleeping with Gale.

"Can't sleep?" I shook my head and he got out coming over into mine. "Tell me what's happening. I'm good at keeping secrets." He whispered

"Even from the others. Especially Gale." I smile a little

"No one hates the Capitol more than me. And I wanna help but I just keep on thinking, even if we win this war, what happens to Peeta? I know he's not safe there but he's not safe here. Not after what was on TV."

"Do you know how Important you are to them. Just ask, you could ask for anything and they'd have to agree. Your my big bossy sister for a reason." he pushed some of my hair mack making my chuckle a little. You could always rely on Rory to have a level head a spell out the obvious when you needed it.

"I should wake you up more often monkey."

"Get some sleep now." I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.


The next morning President Coin and Heavensbee agreed to meet with me.

"Thank you for agreeing to this. Meeting with me. After some consideration and talking with those who matter to me. I'm agreeing to be your Mockingjay. But I have some conditions." I cleared my throat.

"Peeta and the other tributes Johanna Mason and Annie Cresta, will be rescued at the earliest opportunity. If and when Peeta is liberated he will receive a full and unconditioned pardon. No punishment will be inflicted and the same goes for the other tributes." Plutarch looked impressed Coin however did not.

"No." Sh denied

"It's not their fault you abandoned them in the arena. They are doing and saying whatever they can to survive."

"Individuals don't make demands in 13. There will be a tribunal and a fair judgement. Thank you." I rang my tongue over my teeth.and put my hands down on the table.

"Te victors will be granted immunity. You will announce that in front of the entire population of 13. You will hold yourself and your government responsible or you will have to find another Mockingjay. Do I make myself clear." I voice was strict and deathly low.

"That's it. That's her right there." Plutarch pointed at me with his pen." I eased back up confused

"Isn't that who I promised you? She wears the costume. Gunfire in the background. A hint of smoke. Our Mockingjay. Madam President, we're loosing ground because the people are loosing heart. This is worth the risk. She is worth the risk. Pardons, tribunals. Power of the people. It can all be the bedrock of the new Panem, but, in wartime I think even the noblest of causes can be bent a little. Right?"

"Do you have any other conditions?"

"Primrose get's to keep her cat." While they agreed I didn't know that soon I would be reunited with my most trusted outsider.


We were all arrived to hear Coins speech where she would announce what was happening.

"Good Afternoon. Thank you for interrupting your schedules." I began to look around the assembly hall

"They have already been adjusted to compensate for the delay, Please check in with your unit supervisors when you resume work."

"I hardly ever see children around here." I mutter to Rory and Vik, while holding Posy's hand.

"Prim told me that a lot of them were lost in a epidemic a few years ago." Vik told me "Coin lost her family too. Daughter and Husband."

"And our guests from District 12. Lily Mellark has consented to be the face of our cause, to help unite the districts against the Capitol." I saw a couple look at me. I turned my attention away from them.

"In exchange, I have promised several concessions." I saw Finnick watching with Mrs Everdeen and My Mom. I lifted Posy up into my arms and went over.

"First we'll assess all opportunities for the extraction of the victors held hostage in the Capitol. Peeta Mellark, Johanna Mason..." I stood next to Finnick

"Finnick, I made the deal for Annie, too. Once freed, they will be granted full pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebel cause." People shouted in disagreement.

"Good. That's good Lily." Finnick told me

"If Lily Mellark fails to fulfil her duties the deal will be off." She looked down at me "Thank you for your attention please resume your daily schedules ."

"Better not mess up then." I breathed leaving with my siblings

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