Chapter Nine - Hidden Message

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I was with Rory, Vik, Posy and Prim when having dinner when Boggs came over to us.

"Lily, you're needed in Command." I nodded and wiped my mouth. flicking Rory's nose, jokingly he waved me away and I left them too it. We walked into to Peeta on the screen.

"Tonight we have received reports of derailed trains and granaries on fire..." I covered my mouth, He looked thin and I mean not a good thin, you could almost see his bones he was that thin. I covered my mouth in shock as he continued talking.

"and of a savage attack on the hydroelectric dam in District 5."

"Oh, baby, what have they done to you." I whispered

"I'm begging for restrain and decency." The screen crackled as scenes from earlier that day and me singing in the background.

"That's it, that's our footage." Coin pointed

"Beetee's in." it went back to Peeta who looked shocked and relieved


"He sees it. He sees' our propo." if fazed back and forth between the two of us.

"Lily, Lily are you there?"

"Peeta" I started to cry jogging forward, closer to the screen.


"Oh my god. Oh my god." Kat wrapped her arms around me as I held onto her

"Peeta, Peeta you were telling us about these savage attacks " Ceaser directed him back I saw his eyes shift ad if he was looking right at me. My heart broke all over again to see him like this.

"Yeah. The attack on the dam was callous and inhuman act of destruction ." It went back to me. What were they doing? They were interrupting him, the only chance I get to see him that I knew he was alive. Peeta was seeing the same thing I was. He leaned forward slightly now talking to me.

"Think about it. How will this end? What will be left? Now one can survive this. No one is safe now." he spoke to me, me and no one else.

"I know, but I'm here, listen, listen to the song Peeta. What is it saying? Remember." I talked to the screen

"Not here in the Capitol, not in any of the districts."

"Remember the song. Listen to it." It fade back to me and then him as recognition flickered in his eyes.

"They're coming Lily, they're gonna kill everyone..." he was grabbed and he fought to warn us "And in district 13 you'll be dead by morning." The transmission cut out.

"He's warning us, that was a warning." Haymitch stated I turned to my brother.

"I told you he was still my Peeta." I stated in a know it all tone. I knew he was still in there, even with everything they were doing to him, even in survival mode. He was still in there and i kept the faith.

"Yes it was."

"We have to get him out before they kill him." I told Boggs well it was rather more being insistent. Peeta needed to be out of there and with me safe. I would protect him, tenfold after everything.

"Is there anything in the air?" Coin asked

"Nothing on the doppler ma'am." a person replied 

"He was in the mansion, he could have heard something." She aimed the statement toward Plutarch.

"Possibly" he replied . She looked at all of us.

"It's time for an air raid drill." The alarm started beeping

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