Chapter Eleven - I Fall....

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"I'm losing them." He muttered and Coin looked at the screens trying to figure out for herself what was going on.

"Are they powering back up?" She questioned and he groaned

"Ma'am, the Capitol air defence system is rebooting. It's coming back online."

"Must be filtering a power from another source, And filtering transitions. Another 60 second and we'll be cut off." Beetee worked to prolong the time

"Madam president. Shall we call back the hovercraft." No I had to do something

"Broadcast me" I told them and the turned to look at me "If Snow's watching maybe he'll let the signal in, if he sees me. Put me on the air so he can see me." I told them. Plutarch agreed as did Coin

"Put her on."

"Can we do this, can we still get in?" Haymitch asked

"Yes, for the time being. The lines open he will only see you." Haymitch aimed a camera at me

"Okay Lily. Go."

"President Snow. President Snow. It's Lily. President Snow, President Snow I need to speak with you. Are you there." I messed with my fingers hoping this would work

"President Snow. It's Lily. Can you hear me?" there was still nothing.

"President Snow it's Lily. Are you there? Can you hear me?" I looked at Coin and Plutarch who were not thinking this was going to work. "President Snow..."

"Mrs Mellark, what an honour." His voice came back then his face on the screen "I don't imagine you're calling to thank me for the roses."

"I never asked for this. I never asked to be in the Games. I never asked to be the Mockingjay. I just wanted to save my friends and keep Peeta alive . Please just let him go and I will stop being the Mockingjay. I will disappear, You will never have to see me ever again." I told him

"Mrs Mellark. You couldn't run from this anymore than you could have run from the Games."

"Please. You've won, you've already beaten me. Release Peeta and take me instead." I offered he shook his head sighing.

"We're long past the opportunity for noble sacrifice."

"Then tell me what to do. I've always kept my promises haven't I?"

"You said you didn't want a war and that's just what happened. I told you what a fragile thing peace was. And still like a child you took pleasure in breaking it. I know what you are. I know you can't see past you narrowest concerns. But please Mrs Mellark, I doubt you know what honesty is anymore."

"You asked me to convince and distract the people with mine and Peeta's love. Haven't I at least done that?"

"Lily Mellark. It's the things we love the most that destroy us. I want you to remember that I said that. Don't you think I know your friends are in the tribute centre." I stumbled back as he cut me off

"What happened?" I asked. Beetee was on the radio trying to get through to Boggs.

"He knows that they're in there. It's a trap." I panicked Haymitch came over to me

"Lily, hold it."

"We have to get a hold of them. We have to tell them that he knows. We need to get them out." In instead trying to to let my emotions run wild on me again. Keep it in Lily for now just keep it in.

"There's no signal. We can't contact them." Plutarch told me and that made me even worse.

"No. Haymitch he know the whole time. He was taunting me. He trying to take my brother and friends away from me. No Haymitch they're in there."

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