Chapter Twenty Two - Numb

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In my room, I sat in silence, staring at the rose that I had taken from the green house. Thinking of the conversation I had with Snow. There was a knock at my door before my dearest older brother stepped in. Closing the door behind him he turned back holding his stature with arms in front.

"President Coin asked for you." He told me. Was that really the first thing my own brother was saying to me? No asking how I was, no comforting after the loss of our last remaining parent? Not even Rory told me you were doing well. Just 'President Coin asked for you.'

"You never came to see me. Rory, Vick even little Posy was there. But not you."

"I wanted to, but..." he trailed off

"Was it one of ours? The bomb. The delayed explosion. The trap. To draw more people in." He stayed silent. "I took it while for it to click, and when it did, I tried everything to deny it. How familiar it was. As if I heard it somewhere before." I pointed to my ear.

"Tell me, did my big brothers plan, kill...our...mother?" I saw him crack under my gaze, dozens of emotions flickered though his eyes as he answered

"I don't know. All I know is that I was supposed to take care of our family. Our family and Katniss'. I'm sorry couldn't."

"You can't protect anyone in an arena." I muttered and I saw tears begin to usher. "Goodbye, brother." He took a staggered breath before bowing his head and leaving the room. The possibility couldn't stop torturing me.

It all seamed to fit and it scared me and hurt me that our mother was dead. Five children orphans and it might be because of him, no matter how much I try I could never look at him in the same way. One day I might be able to forgive even be in the same room without seeing our mother die in front of my eyes. But for now that's all I could see. I didn't want to relive it over again.

I wiped away my tears and stood up from the chair. I smartened myself before leaving. I was taken to one of the rooms and when the doors opened I saw all the remaining victors. Beetee, Johanna, Annie, Enarobia, Haymitch and finally Peeta. All six of them stood waiting with Coin.

"What's this?" I questioned

"The remaining victors. Won't you join us." She gestured to an open seat. They all sat down and I made my way to Haymitch.

"Thank you." I held out my hand. He couldn't fool anyone, first chance at a stiff drink. Of course he would have it. I took the cup off him and had a sip. I was right. Sitting down with it still in my hand I looked at Peeta. He game me a soft smile of encouragement.

"I have invited you all here for several reasons, but first I have an announcement" I crossed my legs and leaned back into the chair.

"I have taken the burden and the honour of declaring myself Interim President of Panem." Haymitch scoffed and I turned my attention to him.

"Interim? Exactly how long is that Interim?" Haymich wonders amused.

"We have no way of knowing for certain. But it's clear that the people are far too emotional right now to make a rational decision." Ugh was anyone dying this. I don't know what was more annoying her fake empathy or the fact that my worst enemy was right.

"We'll plan an election when the time is right. But I have called you here for a far more important vote. A symbolic vote. This afternoon, we will execute Snow. Hundreds of his accomplices also await their deaths. Capitol officials, Peacekeepers, tortures, Game makers. But the danger is, once we begin, the rebels will not stop calling for retribution. Thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy. So I offer and alternative plan." I bet you do.

"Majority four may approve it. No one may abstain." She looked at me for that comment as I took another sip of Haymitch's drink .

"The proposal is this. In lieu of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic Hunger Games." There was a stunned silence. That was until Johanna started laughing

"You wanna have a hunger games with the Capitols children?" She asked

"You're joking?" Peeta said

"Not in the slightest." Coin replied

"Was this Plutarch idea?" Haymitch wondered

"It was mine. It balances out the need for revenge, with the least loss of human life. You may cast your votes."

"No." Peeta retorted immediately "Obviously not, this is crazy."

"I think it's more than fair. Snow's got a granddaughter. I say yes." Johanna agreed smirking at the retribution that would be given. Snow hurt us so we hurt him twice much and even more closer to home.

"So do I. Let them have a taste of it" Enarobia, agreed

"You guys this way of thinking is what started the uprisings." Peeta countered while i seemed the strong coffee. Not saying anything.

"I vote no with Peeta. So would Finnick." Annie voted

"Well he's not. Snow killed him" Johanna replied

"No" Beetee flat out said "We need to stop viewing each other as enemies." he voiced and I agreed with him, but to be honest I had other plans that needed completing before I rest down my bow and end the war myself.

"It's down to Lily and Haymitch." She looked from one to the other. I rested my hands in my lap as I looked her in the eye.

"I get to kill Snow." I told her "End it once and for all." That was my price for her way.

"I expected no less of you." She nodded in agreement.

"Then I vote yes. For my mother and for Rosie." I picked up the coffee once more and resumed drinking.

"Haymitch?" She turned her gaze towards my mentor as did eye. He looked at me trying to have a conversation with me before answerin. I don't know whether he got his answer from me or not but...

"I'm with the Mockingjay."

"Then that carries the vote. Excellent. We'll announce the Games tonight, after the execution." I lowered the cup and saucer then stood up from my seat and left.

"Lily, Lily. Stop." I turned to Peeta.

"What happened back there. What's going on with you?" he asked breathing heavily.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, the Lily I remember would never inflict the pain she went through on someone else." he searched my eyes for a reason. I remained steeled and closed off. I needed to be or I would cave, after everything, I couldn't do that now.

"The Lily you knew didn't just become a orphan with three younger siblings and a broken hearted best friend."

"Lils, I know you're hurting."

"Enough! I don't want to hear it. Peeta, I thought you of all people would agree that this is what needs to be done. Pay the piper and restore the balance. Eye for an eye. Why shouldn't they feel what we have felt for 76 years, even if it is just once. I will end this. I have to." I snatch my arm out of his hand and walk away.


I stood in my room with Effie smartening me up. I was in my Mockingjay costume, all done up for the 'spectacular ending' If I had my way it would be spectacular and etched into everyone's minds.

"Well, it's bound to be quite the show." She finished brushing me down, she held up arms softly, looking at me through the mirror.

"You look lovely as ever. Just beautiful. Finishing touches." She moved away and I turned my gaze to my nightlock pill. I slipped it into my costume. I would make things right and I would avenge my family. Effie attached my arrows to my back and then I was given my bow.

This was it

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