Chapter Twenty - Free Pass

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I was setting up my last arrow and the toying with it for a moment when Gale came back he told us.

"There some small arms fire. Could be Paylor, maybe Lyme. Rebels are closing in.

"This is it." Cressida muttered. Fanfare played on the TV for a mandatory viewing. It was Snow.

" To all Capitol citizens more that a half mile outside the city circle, I am announcing a mandatory evacuation. Come to the mansion, I am promising you shelter and sanctuary. All refugees come to my home. And there you will be provided with food, medicine, safety for your children, and you will have my solemn oath to protect you until my dying breath."

" Wish he'd hurry up with that last part." Cressida commented and I smirked a little.

"Don't we all." Kat added

"Our enemy is not like us. They do not share our values. They have never know our comfort and our sophistication. And they despise us for it. Make no mistake, they are not coming to liberate us. They are coming to destroy our way of life. They are coming to bury us." it ended

"Is he still in the mansion?" I asked then looked at my husband. "Peeta."

"Yeah. I recognise that room."

"Where's that?" I asked pulling out a map. It was no holo but it would suffice

"About five blocks away." Cressida informed me crouching down. "We're right here. Off the avenues. Mansion is here." she pointed it out

"And the pods?" Kat questioned

"They'll probably deactivate the pods around here for the residents safety." Cressida answered glancing up at me.

"That could work. I could get close enough." I look and Gale and Kat.

"Every peacekeeper is going to be waiting" Gale voiced

"Next to our faces on ever billboard." Cressida added

"Snows offering shelter to all refugees. No other choice like it." I replied then stood up "So who is gonna be mad enough to come with me." I turn my attention to my brother and best friend


"I'm not dumb. Neither of you will want me to go alone, so talk it between yourselves, 'cause I need someone to stay here with Peeta. No offence." I looked at Cressida and Pollux

"None taken."


"Head straight north, there is going to be thousands of refugees. Just get into that stream and don't look up." Cressida told me and Gale. Tigris came over with some huge hooded coats.

"I've got one shot." I told my brother.

"Let's make it count." I slipped on my coat and fixed it on. It was lavish and warm, hopefully enough for us to blend in.

"Good luck Lily." I hugged Cressida

"Thank you." Pollux came over


"No words, never forget." He signed to me and I smiled hugging him as well. I turned to Tigris.

"Tigris, thank you for everything you've done." She clasped her hands and bowed her head slightly.

"Lily, let me come with you, OK? I can be a good distraction, they know my face.." Peeta stressed coming over to me. I took his hands

"No, I'm not loosing you again."

"You'll be safer with us." Kat told him

"What if peacekeepers are searching the houses? And if he's captured." Gale stated but not with the upmost concern like I had.

"Then give me a night-lock pill, Ok? I'm not going back." Gale looked at me and took his nightlock pill and gave it to Peeta. I took the key and unlocked his cuffs.

"Stay alive." I whispered holding his cheek. I gave him a final kiss, he held my waist as he kissed back. I was reluctant to let go but I pulled away.

"When I see you again, it's gonna be a different world."I went to Kat and gave her a hug.

"Keep him safe. Please."

"I promise."

" Ready, sis?" I turned to face him

"Let's go." I pulled my hood up and retrieved my bow, sliding it into my coat. We left the shop and made our way to the ending of the story.

"By order of President Snow all residents must proceed to the presidential estate. Please continue to move forward in a calm and orderly fashion. Additional food, medicine and clothing will be provided upon arrival. " It continued to repeat that message as we entered the masses of refugees. We walked for at least four blocks before seeing the target. But then as we got closer there were more expected peacekeepers.

I looked around and caught sight of a little girl being carried. She looked to be the same age as Posy. Her head lifted up as she looked at me. She just stared but didn't say anything. I saw ahead that Peacekeepers were checking peoples faces. I took Gales hand and turned him around, we had to find another way to reach Snow. But that's wasn't happening either.

Peacekeepers were coming in from the back checking peoples faces. Turning the way we came I waited, we were gonna be discovered. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. And explosion cut him off.

"It's the rebels!" One shouted I looked back and saw the rebel forces shouting with determination at peacekeepers. Another explosion went off killing those on the roofs looking down. The little girl from earlier was screaming. She was screaming for her Mama.

"Come on." Gale yanked me before I could help. We jumped over the barricade and he knocked out one of the peacekeepers and took his gun.

"Let's go." We jumped the second barricade dodging explosions and bullets. We made it past one of their trucks and stopped.

Bang! The truck we were in front of flipped over. Splitting the two of us. I tunred round. Gale had been caught. I grabbed my bow and arrow.

"Shoot me. Shoot me!" But I couldn't I couldn't willingly fire a arrow at my brother. He was lifted into one of their trucks screaming. There was another explosion and I went to pause behind a truck. I should have done it. But he was my brother I couldn't. I just couldn't bare to do it. I looked at the rebel forces and then I looked at the Presidential mansion. I could end this. I just need to get through. I lifted my hood up and hid my bow to end this.

I ran through the crowds of scared citizens. People clamoured against the gates as I fought my way through. They were telling them to stay calm and bring the children forward as I climbed onto a truck for a better view. I heard a hovercraft overhead with the Capitol insignia. It dropped parachutes from the sky. What was going on? I didn't understand. The children reached up and as soon as they were close they exploded. I was knocked to the ground and momentarily blacked out.

"When I came too I looked up at the devastation. The Capitol did this? To it's own children? I saw one man holding a child in his arms as medical brigades ran in, This formation looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it. I went closer as everyone shouted for medics. I noticed two familiar faces.

"Rosie! Mom!" The looked up hearing my voice

"Mom! Rosie!"


A huge explosion of fire rippled through taking my mom and Rosie with it and making me fly back on fire. Like the true girl I had become . I watched the flames and black smoke before nothing.

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