Prologue: hired

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( SPECIAL SHOUTOUT: this story idea is created by @Hidotcom113 and if you'd like to read their description of the story, go to their book of 'undertale au fanfiction ideas.'! Their an amazing person and so very kind! This story is theirs, I'm simply bringing the idea to life. All credit goes to them and their amazing creativity! I've asked for permission, and I hope that they enjoy this version of their amazing story! Get ready for drama, sorrow, and a little bit of romance! Please enjoy, and I love you all!! ❤❤ )

Error POV:

I sat in my room, crying angry tears as I tried to dismantle my plastic toy robot. Despite me actually able to tear off an arm, it didnt satisfy my rage. I wanted to hit sonething. My tan colored carpet floor wasnt hard to punch, but didnt actually give me satisfaction, and the blue walls hurt my hand to much. My anger boiled as I stood up and threw the toy onto the ground, Screaming.

My room was rectangle shaped, with the entrance door on the farthest corner. On the wall connecting the corner to the door, sat my flatscreen tv that was mounted onto my wall, with my dark brown dresser underneath it, holding my DVD player, and a box holding all my favorite movies. One wall held small shelfs that contained buckets if all my favorite toys, and a small window that was above me head. The opposite wall from the door held my bed, with my red blankets, and pillows that where slightly turning yellow. My stuffed animal bear sat burried under the covers. On the last wall, sat my closet, with my hanging cloths, and bigger toys that couldnt fit in the small boxes on the shelves.

Despite the overwhelming surroundings, The empty house seemed deathly quiet.

After mom had picked me up from the principles office and dropped me off, she told me to stay in my room. She told me that she was tired of me misbehaving and starting fights with kids at school all of the time, and that she needed me to be strong and good for the sake of geno.

I asked her what was wrong with him, and all she said was that he was still at the hospital being checked out by a doctor, yet again ignoring my question.

"He's very sick.. error.." she says.

I could care less about others, but I felt my soul ache as i saw mama so sad like that. She left for the hospital again, leaving me in my room. The hospital wasnt that far away, so if I needed her, I could go use the house phone. It didnt have any games or anything on it.. just a few buttons for numbers. She took my tv remote and told me that if I left my room with the exception of calling for her, she would ground me from my toys as well.

Why cant she just stay here with me..?

Geno is almost 9! Hes older then me! I deserve to be care for too! I've been sick before too, and mom just let me stay home from school one day! And all I got was soup! And I'm only 6! Why does geno get all of these days off?

It's not fair..!

I want mama to care for me like that too!

I hate school! Why cant I just take weeks off from school like geno is! He hasnt been home, and he keeps making it to where mama comes home sad! I've seen her cry when she gets home, and she even locks herself in my room!

I dont cry much, but when I do, it's over mama.. I cant take seeing her so sad..!

Geno always seemed very nice, but he must be becoming very mean in the hospital if he's causing mama to cry like that! I havent seen mana cry like that when I'm sick! Shes not even that sad when fresh is sick either! So if geno is making her so sad, then my does mama need me to be strong and happy for him??

That's. not. fair!

I just sat screaming and punching my pillows on my bed to get out all of my frustrations.

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