Chapter 9: he never came home

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..A few hours prior..

Geno POV: I stood washing the dirty dishes from the meal I just cooked. Reminants of steak and gravy, rice, and green beans where swept into the trash, and cleaned off with the water of the sink. The TV sat blaring in the background as some noise for me to listen too while cleaning. I had just turned on the first channel that popped up, which just happened to be the news. They talked of weather, saying their was a 70% chance of heavy rainfall tommorrow, and the temperature was reaching a cold front.

I felt a rub up against my leg, and looked down to see my cat, Storm, a light grey cat with dark grey splotches, rubbing up against my leg while purring. I kneeled down and pet the small animal with a smile. I had only got her around a week ago, yet I loved her so much. She was surprisingly loving for a cat, and loved to cuddle and rub up on anyone she met. My friends loved her, and my boyfriend constantly asked for pictures of her. Even asking for me to bring her when I had the time to visit him.

I put the rest of the dishes on the drying rack and picked up Storm, petting her as I slowly walked over to the couch. I set storm down on the couch and started looking around for the remote for the tv.

Suddenly, the tv goes silent..

I look at the screen to see the reporter looking confused, and listening intently to an earpiece he was wearing, before his face goes serious.

"I just got some serious news from another reporter. Our cameras are switching over to the live footage now."

The reporter says before starting to talk to someone offscreen. The image suddenly changes to a reporter standing in front of a building on fire. Their was a crowd of people standing in front of the building and I could see police officers and firefighters in front of the building. Flashing lights blinded me more than the fire did.

"A sudden explosion on fifth street has left an apartment complex building in flames. A pedestrian witnessed as and explosion accured, and immediately called the police. Reinforcements have been called, and firefighters are searching for any survivors. Sadly, it's not likely any will be found alive.

We have here with us the witness that saw the explosion when it first happened. Tell us a little about what you saw." The reporter says, as they aim the microphone at a random lady.

"I was just having my afternoon run when I noticed one of the rooms being flooded with water from one of the apartments windows. I tried calling the landowner of the apartment, when suddenly the room burst into flames! Their was screaming and the rest of the building caught fire! That's when I contacted the police..! I just hope everyone is okay...."

I watched with sorrow in my eyes. Those poor people. Their lives ended so soon..! Their was probably something plugged in and caused an electrical fire...

Does error live near their..? Or does mom..? That street sounds oddly familiar..

I take out my phone and go to my contacts pulling up errors phone number. I hover my finger over the call button when suddenly my phone screen changes as mom suddenly calls me.

Her contact pops up as my phone begins to ring.

I answer

"Hey mom! What's up??"

"Hey sweetheart! I just wanted to check up on you..! How is everything??"

"Everythings going fine. Me and storm just got done washing dishes and I'm just sitting down watching the news with him." I say as I finally sit down on the couch next to storm, petting the small fluffy cat.

"Sense when do you watch the news?"

"I usually dont.. I just had it on as some background noise while doing the dishes.. speaking of the news, do you know anyone that lives near fifth street?"

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