Chapter 4: everything is overthinking

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Error POV: I sat curled up in the corner of the my room, silent as i listened to Geno and Mom talking in the other room. I kept hearing them say my name, as they discussed all that happened.

"He was crying-"

"Is he okay?"

"He's locked himself in his room"

"Should I go try and talk to him..?"

"I'm not sure. I've never seen him break down before-"

I put my hands over my ears. I curled up more as I overwrought everything that had happened.

Geno had ended up passing out due to the pain after a while. Mom tried to use the silence as an opportunity to try and ask me why I was crying. I just told her that once I heard her yell that something was wrong with Geno, I began to panic and started crying.

She didnt belive me.

She said that my eyes where puffy already, and that I had clearly been crying for some time. Why else would I have locked myself in the bathroom?

I decided to ignore her. I just looked at Geno and waiting for him to wake up. Mom tried to get answers out of me, but she knew that it was no use. We sat in silence for a long while, and eventually fresh left the room.

Once Geno woke up, I made sure he was ok, before I quickly left. Geno wasn't able to ask me any questions, because by the time he was fully awake, I was already long gone.

I had gone to the bathroom to turn off the tub water, drain the overflowing tub ( seeming how I wasnt in the mood for a bath anymore ), and cleaned up the water quickly.

Once everything was cleaned, I escaped off to my room. Locking the door and curling up in the darkest corner.

Once Geno had composed himself, he tried to come into my room, realized it was locked, and went straight to the kitchen to talk to mom. She explained how I was in the bathroom crying, and started to make geno worried for me.

I wouldnt dare allow Geno to worry about me.

Allow him to see me in pain.

Mom was ruining it-

I undid the bloody bandages that surrounded my arms and I continued to claw at my arms, as the newly scabbed razor wounds peeled off from my wrists, causing fresh blood to trickle down my arms.

The pain stung throughout my arm, and silenced my thoughts slightly. I continued to beg myself for more pain, wanting everyone to shut up.

I thought of grabbing on of my pocket knifes and digging into my bones, hoping to bleed out, but I couldnt.

I listened to Geno and mom talked worriedly about me.

Geno would worry.

He'd be upset if I did that to myself..-

I dreamed endlessly of the sensation of the pain. Clawing desperately at myself as my thoughts got dimmer and dimmer, only to start screaming again due to a knock at the door.

"Error..? Are you in their..?" Geno says calmly. Standing outside of my locked door.

I stay silent.

Should I answer..?

Either way I'll worry him...


"What is it geno.." I say, making sure my voice didnt reveal my pain I felt as I clawed deeper and deeper into my arms.

"Can you open the door..?"


"I have a feeling you know I'm not gonna do that.."

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