Chapter 15: a very sudden change of feeling.

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( WARNING. This chapter is very long compared to my other chapters. This chapter if over 4,500 words long. So be weary. I love you all, and enjoy a little bit of romance~ )

Error POV: I was carefully bandaging my arms, upper and lower arm, seeming how the voices wouldnt shut up for a long while. I had already cleaned up the blood, and was wrapping my arm very slowly, as to not hurt myself to much. My arm throbbed violently and it sent a shiver up to my shoulder.

The house seemed deadly silent besides the living room tv being on. Killer and horror had gone out for groceries, and dust had locked himself in his room cause he wanted to be alone. So, when I heard footsteps approaching my door, I knew who it was, and I was lucky my door was locked.

Nightmare knocks from the other side of the door. I quicken my pace of wrapping my arms, ignoring any pain I receive in the process.

"Hey." Nightmare says from the other side of the door. "can I come in?"

"Yeah! Give me a second-!" I say once I'm done using my teeth and hand to tie the bandages. I quickly make sure their no areas that can bleed through, and pull down my sleeve. I quickly go over to my door and unlock it, opening the door. Night stood their. Giving a small smile once he laid eyes on me.

"Hey night! What's up?" I say.

"Nothing really. I was just wondering if you where doing anything for the rest of the day."

I felt exighted. Probably another movie night with everyone, or a game night like last week. It was hilarious how heated dust got over a simple game of monopoly.

"I dont got any plans. Why? What's up"

"Well... uhhhh.." he seemed paranoid.

That was a first.

Nightmare was always confident in what he did. Or was at least calm about it. So to see him not making eye contact, and not sure in weather to speak or not. It kinda scared me a bit.

Did something happen?

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to town with me.. I dont know.. maybe go out to eat together..?

I mean. It's been three months and we never actually got some one on one time. Even though we're roommates. Usually everyone is here and being chaotic. And... you know... we havent really been able to chat... just us..

I already talked to dust. Hes fine with being alone in the place, and killer and horror will be back later on.. soo.. what do ya say?" He says. Look at me finally around halfway through that whole little monologue. He seemed nervous. He had his hand in his pocket, and I could see the pocket moving around. Meaning he was probably fidgeting with his hands in order to calm down.

I could help but feel my chest feel tight at the thought.

Me and nightmare. Together at a resturant and exoring the city. Only us. No one else. Whatever we wanna do.

Oh boy-


Is it hot in here..?

"Yeah..! Suuree!!" I say awkwardly. Not sure how to respond.

"Oh! Really?"

"Yep! I'm free..! Uhhh-huh!! Uhh.. let me get ready then! Then we can.. go eat! Just us."


"Yeah..! Okay..!...... okay!" I say.

Theirs a moment of silence.

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