Chapter 1: a new morning

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16 years later.

Error POV:

My alarm blared loudly as I shot awake in a cold sweat. I panted as my night cloths clung to me and my covers only covered half of my body. I look over at my alarm clock, and in bright red neon light, it read 6 AM. I groaned as I felt my body beg to collapse again. I wipe the bags from my eyes and yawn audibly as I try to wake myself up.

I lightly start slapping my face as an attempt to keep me awake, mumbling things that even I didn't understand under my breath.

I slowly slipped out of my bed as my legs wobbled from exhaustion. I slugged over to my door and opened it with a loud creak. I flinched, scared I woke up someone else in the house. I stopped and listen, but didnt hear and sign of movement throughout the house. I sigh and continue my journey to the kitchen. I make my way through dark hallways and rooms, before I finally managed to find the kitchen. I turn on the overhead oven light and get to work.

I get eggs and begin to scramble them, adding pepper and a little bit of shredded cheese, to give it some extra flavor. I pop so bread in the toaster, before going to get a pack of bacon from the garage freezer, and throw those in the oven to cook. Once the toast pops out, I put more into the toaster, and get the butter, buttering both sides of the newly formed toast. Once the eggs are fully scrambled, I keep them in the pan and but the flame as low as it can go as to keep the fluffy eggs warm. I get out the waffle iron and get a bowl, mixing in four, eggs, exe. In order to make a pancake batter. I pour some of the batter into the hot pancake iron, and close the lid, waiting for it to get done cooking. I take out a can of whip cream and bottle of chocolate syrup, alongside some strawberries, that I cut into small slivers, and place in a small bowl. The bacon gets done and I take it iht of the oven. The meat was sizzling and crispy, cooking just how Geno liked it.

Once all the rest of the waffles where done, I set the table. Three plates, three cups, three napkins, three spoons, three forks, three knives and a coffee mug. In the center of the table, sat a small plate, stacked high with freshly cooked bacon. A large platter of waffles, covered in white cream, and drizzled with chocolate syrup and sliced strawberries. A large bowl of fluffy scrambled eggs, and a plate full of buttered toast.

I filled each of the cups with their favorite breakfast drink. Iced water and some fresh coffee for mom, orange juice for fresh, and strawberry milk for Geno.

I made sure to stir a fork in some of the eggs, and cover a plate in some bacon grease to make it look like dirty dishes.

I dont want Geno to worry of the fact that I didnt eat.

Once everything was ready to be served, I looked at the clock, and it read 8:12 AM. I decided to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, looking at my yellow teeth with disgust. Despite brushing them every day and night, they never got better. Mom says that I was born with my teeth like this, and that it was normal.

Didnt mean I had to like it.

I didnt like it when I was young, and I sure as hell dont like it now, even at 22 years old.

Fresh, had just turned 21 not that long ago, and Geno was 24. It was a miracle that he had made it to his 20's, so I was grateful, but that didnt mean it didnt hurt when I saw him in pain.

I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and wash out the sink and my toothbrush with water. I look at myself in the mirror with utter disgust.

'Why do your eyes look like that..?'

'The blue markings make your face look horrible.'

'Why do you even bother..?'

'Your not worth anything'

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