Chapter 7: once the sunlight is gone

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Error POV: months passed, and after a few years of working. I ended up moving out. Mom was teary eyed, and of course, fresh could care less. He didnt seem to want to leave. Even at 23 years of age now. He doesnt really want to work, and mom, being mom, would love for one of her 'baby boys' to stay with her. She asked if I was sure if I wanted to leave. I reminded her I was 24 years old, a grown man, and that I could fend for myself.

I emptied out my room, packing everything in boxes, leaving only my bed frame with my mattress, and my dresser.

The apartment I got was furnished, but I still wanted to decorate my room to my own liking once I got their. I don't know why tho.. I wouldnt be their for long.. but even so, to make it less conspicuous, I took my stuff anyway.

According to the landlord, the small apartment had a living room, kitchen, bathroom, small balcony, 1 bedroom, and a storage closet. I had toured the building and it was pretty clean and quiet with the exception of one neighbor who constantly had people over. The appliances where kinda old, but besides that, it was decent. The balcony simply overlooked a street with more tall buildings and apartment complexes. Acationally bustling with cars and work trucks.

Nearby was a public park, with hiking trails that overlooked lakes with ducks, and flower fields, alongside the occasional sight of wildlife like deers and rabbits. Small restaurants littered the small town, including a Culvers, for me to eat at when I needed something in my system without puking it up. Shops of clothing and accessories overflowed a small shopping street, and a Mall was in the process of being build.

It was a calm little town, around 25 minutes away from moms house, and around 17 minutes away from Geno.

Not like he would he would want visit anyway.

He was constantly busy.

He was either working, hanging out with friends, or driving away to meet up with his boyfriend, Who was 2 to 3 hours away. Or traveling to just go explore. He enjoyed long car rides and enjoying the view sometimes.

I'm glad that he was happy without me. But it still hurt.

Hurt to much for me to handle.

Once I had officially moved out, I didnt bother unpacking the countless boxes that where stacked up in my room. The only thing I unpacked was the rope.

The ceiling fan looked sturdy enough to keep it stable.


I felt something pattering on my scull. I look up only to be met with water slowly dripping from the ceiling.


Just what I needed..

I just ignore it.

No need to tend to something temporary anyway..

That's why I didn't bother meeting the neighbors.

One neighbor I saw was an elderly human man that looked at me with disgust and closed his door, locking it. And the others where screaming and partying next door. I didn't really know who the owners where.

I looked at the rope that layed on my bed, ready for use, then looked over at the balcony. The gleaming sun peaked over the trees and cast a yellow and orange hue over the sky. No clouds where in sight and the chirp of birds could be heard over the loud partying next door.

'A beautiful sight to die with. Disappearing like the evening sun'

I looked at the rope yet again.

My heart felt heavy as I looked at it.

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