Epilogue: a happy ending

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People dont belive in magic.

Not in this world.

Its seen as myth.

Many have claimed about it. Red glows. Simple text. A voice. Screaming to not to give up.

A simple heart that glows with a power that is indescribable.


Even motivating, if you will.

And some... even claim resurrection.

A button of choice.

Start over? Or stay gone.

And once you chose, that was that.

But it's not a painless process.

Of course. No one believes these prophesies.

Or At least. No one did.

Geno POV: I screamed as my heart broke. The building collapsed and ashes flew everywhere. Sparks and flames flew in the air as the screaming was heard. The crumbling of rubble and brick. Dust and smoke flying up into the sky. And all that was left was a pile of debris.

I kicked and punched against the grip of the firefighters that continued to drag me back. I screamed and cried as I tried desperatly to get to the building. To my brother.

I saw this look in his eyes when the building fell. A look of reasurance. A smile, and then nothing.

His body went limp, and the color from his eyes dissapeared. The blood seeped out, and then the building crumbled. Leaving behind nothing but dust.

The image scarred into my mind. That feeling of helplessness that sat soaking into me.

And unlike all the times prior.

I knew he was actually gone.

Narrator POV:

A feeling of loss is something no one should have to go through.

A loved one disappearing from the world, and placed under the ground.

It brings a feeling of dread.

But the feeling is something completely different, when you realize that whenever you hold a funeral, The cause of death was so gruesome that their was no body or dust left too find to put in the casket.

That feeling of mourning over an empty box, because theirs absolutely nothing left of the person you use to love.

Nightmare POV: I listened desperatly as the fire roared. If found myself hoping for a scream of happiness as someone witnessed someone coming out of the building.

But their was nothing. And as the last floor fell, I thought it was over.

I screamed as loud as i could in fear, hoping that I was wrong. Images flashing through my head.

I pictured my mother. The fire in the backyard. Her body in the blazes.

And I felt terrified.

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