Chapter 10: this cruel city

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Error Pov: I walked silently as ink and dream walked with me torwards the apartment that this 'nightmare' guy lived in. They asked me questions and I answered as little as possible. I shivered like crazy, and found myself getting jealous of their ugly warm cloths. They where kind, but I couldnt get rid of the feeling of anxiety they gave me.

I wasnt use to talking to anyone other then geno.

I dont like talking to anyone other than geno.

The more questions they asked the more my throat started to get tight at the thought of my responses. Sooner or later, the realized I didnt really want to respond, and just started trying to be nice by talking to me and telling me about their day, or random facts they new.

Sooner or later, we arrived at a large building with a grey brick exterior. They had clean glass sliding doors, and the inside lobby looked a calming cream color.

It looked warm.

I looked through the doors with longing. Wishing to go inside and just curl up by a fire. Ink and dream must have noticed, because they reassured me that I could go inside. I looked at the exterior one more time. Looking at the multiple rooms and windows that where visible from the outside, the neatly done cobblestone and cement parking lock. Cars parked all around the outside, and the building was surrounded by neatly done dress and perfectly cut bushes. Flowerbeds decorated small corners or strips of sidewalk, and the cold air threatened to blow the life away from the small plants.

I looked at the doors once more and walked inside, and ink and dream followed not far behind. The warmth surrounded me with a reassuring hug. The inside was lit by the warm orange light Of a nearby fireplace surrounded by seats for a type of lobby, and was also lit by calming ceiling lights. Their was a desk, but no one sat in it, due to the late night, and seeming how this was an apartment for people who buy it for a home, not a visiting or temporary stay.

Ironic for me.

I looked around and saw a small corner with vending machines and shelves with snacks and price tags, alongside a little buffet area that was empty. I'm guessing it was used for breakfast.

Their was a hallway leading to a plethora of rooms, and stairways and elevators for the rooms that where further up in the building.

Thin, colorful carpet colored the hallways, and the doors looked sturdy with small eye holes in the center, alongside a lock that needed a key card to open.

"Okay! Hes located in room 304 he says!" Said dream as he looked at his text messages from I'm guessing nightmare.

They walk over to the elevators and press the up button. I'm hesitant to follow.

"So... umm... you sure your brothers okay with me staying..?" I ask dream as we patiently wait on the elevator.

"Yeah! He doesnt have a roommate anymore, so he could use the company! At least that's how I see it. He said he doesnt mind being alone, but I can tell he does." He says as the elevator doors open with a small 'ding!' Sound. We enter the elevator.

The silence bellows as we quietly ride the elevator to torwards the third floor.

I try and make conversation.

"So.. what where you two doing it this late?"

"We where hungry, and blue, our roommate, aka the one that cooks, was alseep" says ink.

"So we went to a nearby open 24/7 restaurant" says dream

"Roommate? You live in an apartment complex as well orrr..???" I say, looking at ink.

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