Chapter 20: ..Nothing once more..

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( congratulations. You've made it to the last chapter. With the exception of the epilogue that is to come.

I hope you enjoy the reunition.

The forgiving.

And the forgetting.

But be weary.

Not all stories have happy endings.)


The newspaper was thrown back aggressively onto the bathroom counter, and Nightmate rushed out quickly. Accidentally slamming his hand into the candle that sat in a glass container.

He heard the shattering of glass, but was too blinded by rage and confusion to question the sound.

As the candle was knocked to the ground, the sudden wave of air from the candle being throw caused the newspaper to slowly flutter to the ground.

...Landing on the flame...

A small flicker of a fire alighted and slowly started to spread to anything it could. Until it found carpet out on the hall, and started to spread rapidly...

It engulfed and destroyed anything it touched.

Melting everything to ash...

( let the fire burn. )

Error POV: I felt the Ice block shatter at its core as I looked at my brother. The corners of my soul felt cold and numb, but the center was filled with a burst of emotions.

Confusion. Anger.

Fear. Terror.

Sorrow. Regret.

Horror. Paranoia.

I saw as tears slowly slipped down Geno's cheek, his mouth open slightly in shock. I saw a small lady try and pull geno out of the room, but Geno pointed at me, and said something under his breath. The lady turned and we made eye contact as well.

Mom immediately screamed in terror and shock.

Another pang in my soul.

Another burst of terror throughout me.

Most of the party went silent. All kinds of eyes fell onto me. But I didnt look away from Geno. My eyes glued to his.

My soul started to pound and I wanted to run, but my feet felt super glued to the floor that seemed to shift under me. My legs as stiff as a boulder.

Geno's mouth, which was parted slightly from shocked, Closed. His expression turned to confidence and sternness. A look that said, "your not running away from me this time. I'm not letting you be alone any longer. It's time I return all you've given me.

And I'm not taking no for an answer".

His protective glare returned to me as a threat. And the protectiveness faded into my soul. Changing into a feeling of helplessness and a growing feeling of terror that filled inside of me.

I realized that I couldnt run out even if I wanted too. They were blocking the exit. They knew I was alive now. Their was no running from that fact.

But that didnt stop me from trying.

The adrenaline broke the stone that seemed to cover my legs and the glue on my feet faded. I turned around and rushed through the croud. Trying to get to the stairs to rush up and hide in one of the rooms. Pushing past and knocking over strangers that started yelling at me. But the main voice that I heard was the screams of geno and mom, who where chasing me now.

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