Chapter 14: whos better for me..?

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The day went on kindly. The voices never returned, and I actually found myself laughing for once. The group of dorks welcomed me with open arms and joked with me constantly. Its like I had been a part of the group for years, instead of a few hours. We ate, and suprisingly nothing came up. I ate plenty of food and actually got full for once. We all went back to the apartment and watched a movie while eating some icecream as desert. The day flied by and sooner or later we all found ourselves asleep on the couch and chairs. Nightmare covered us with blankets, and brought me a pillow on the chair I was sitting on. The days went on like this. Killer, dust, and horror almost always stayed with us, rarely ever going nextdoor to their room unless they needed something or finally decided to sleep at their own houses. But neither me, or nightmare minded. We enjoyed the company. Everything was finally less stressful. Less heavy. The weights on my shoulder finally began to lighten. And when I began to panic, I was always able to calm myself with a simple pocket knife and the raise of my sleeve.

..It went on for around 3 months like this..

The moments felt comforting, and yet when I thought of my actual family, the panic attacks would fade away once the pain kicked in. The meals I ate would occasionally stay down, depending on the day and how it was going. I ended up making separate accounts for everything, and changing my number, although, I could never take any pictures and post them anymore. I've never left this new little town, and I got use to the crowded city. Alongside getting use to, and closer with the gang. Especially Nightmare.

I even found new interests.

One day while passing a small shop, I noticed a small stuffed doll in the display window and fell in love with it. Nightmare was with me at the time, so I had to just walk off.

Later on, I went and bought it. It was relatively expensive, but made with excellent skill and love. I new I would want more, but new I couldnt afford.

One day, while scrolling on social media, I stumbled upon a video of a women crocheting a small rabbit, and then knitting it a small hat. I immediately wanted to do that, just with little dolls instead. One day, I snuck out late at night and bought some knitting and crocheting suplies, along with yarn and string. I spend the next few nights secretly watching tutorials on how to work the weird needles and strings. After a few months of secretly practicing, I found a love for sewing, knitting, crocheting, and dolls. I kept all the suplies and the dolls in a few small boxes kept under my bed.

I found another passion at a job I got.

I was searching for a nearby job, and stumbled a small office. According to the Boss-interviewer-person, they where a company that coded different games and websites. Due to my college and school experience, I qualified, but due to my lack of computer skills, I didnt get a coding job. I simply took calls, ran errands, sorted files, collected and distributed suplies, alongside lastly creating slides and info documents to send to other so they new what all their chores where for today. I became friends with the cook at the facility, because for some reason they had one of those? His name was blueberry. According to him, he always loved cooking, and was simply happy to have a cooking job, despite it not being at an actual restaurant or anything. Due to the fact that he had worked their for who knows how long, he new a little bit about the coding program they worked on. I was curious and asked for him to show me what he new. He gladly taught me.

We stayed after work hours and he downloaded the program onto my computer. He taught me the little he knew, and even invited me to his house. He introduced me to his brother and he cooked me come fajitas, and then popcorn when we decided to watch a movie.

I went home and watched some videos on the coding program, and found it suprisingly easy to understand. I started working on a small little project of my own. I coded in my breaks and lunch hour, and created a small simple game.

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