Chapter 11: home sweet home

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Error POV:  I groan audibly as I'm blinded by the open window in my new room. I heard the talking of strangers from the living room. My head pounded and I was covered in sweat. I had throw the covers off the bed in the middle of the night and I was clinging to one of the pillows desperately. I sat up and felt confusion overwhelm me. I guess I was to tired to take a good look at the room before I fell asleep, because it seemed oddly unfamiliar.

Their was light grey walls, and a window against with dark grey curtains that sat wide open. Their was a small, modern wooden desk with a desk lamp, and a very small dresser. Their was a small tv mounted on the wall, and a double door closet that was closed. The bed I layed on had a dark wooden frame and a comfortable mattress that was relatively large. The covers where black and the sheets where grey. The four pillows where white and grey, two of each color. And a large carpet covered the wooden floor panels.

It was a nice room, but you could tell it was a guest room. It seemed kinda empty honestly.

I reached down for my bag and grabbed it, pulling it up onto my stomach as I rolled onto my back.

I took out my phone and tried to turn it on to look at the time, only to remember that it was still dead.

I got my charger and crawled out of bed, plugging it into a nearby outlet, and put my phone on charge. I stretched and my back and right shoulder popped with a tingle. I walked over to the door and opened it. I walked down the hallway to the living room to be met with a few unfamiliar faces.

This would explain the random talking.

Nightmare was chatting with three taller, unfamiliar people, all of which looked very strange.

One monster had a dark blue flannel hoodie on with a grey hood covering his face with shadows, yet I could still see his Mich-matched colored eyes. One blue and one red-and-blue eye looked at me with interest and confusion. He wore some black baggy pants with a chain on his right hip. He wore a grey undershirt and a silver necklace, alongside some black combat boots.

One had a old white turtleneck on with a navy blue jacket with some tan colored fluff for the collar/hood. He wore some black sweatpants and some black sandles with white socks. His eye was bright and red, and not to metion unnaturally big, and the other was covered with a weird type of prostatic that covered his whole upper skull. I could see bandages sticking out from from underneath the prosthetic.

The last one was was wearing a black, thin, long sleeve turtleneck with a red target embroidered on the center, and has empty eyesockets. He wore a blue-jean jacket that was way to big for him and kept his hands in his pockets. He wore black sweatpants with red lines on the side and tenis shoes with white soles and red laces. He had this weird black stuff falling from his eyes onto his cheeks and down his face.

Probably the weirdest group of people I'd seen honestly.

Not like I was one to talk.

They looked at me with confusion lacing their eyes as the room went silent.

The one with the Mich-matched eyes looked at with silently, and had been quiet when I first walked out. He was a little shorter than me, but taller then nightmare. He looked very skinny and kinda crazed to be honest.

The one with the skull prosthetic, looked at me with wonder and looked at nightmare to see what the heck was going on. He loomed over nightmare in height, and was tall even to me. I was around up to his neck, and he was huge. I had to look up at him, and he looked very bulky and chubby. He looked very huggable despite seeming very threatening.

The one with the target was around my height, and looked very energetic and snarky. He kinda just awkwardly smiled at me and I just did the same back.

"Oh. Your awake." Nightmare says. Looking at me with a blank expression. "Did you sleep well..?"

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