Chapter 13: what does this mean?

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Error POV: the day passed as everyone enjoyed their day. The day passed quietly for me though. Silently listening and overthinking every word. I started to feel overwhelmed, but managed to calm myself with a kitchen knife as I sat winded on the bloody bathroom floor. The time struck 3-o-clock, and I took it as a signal to leave. I cleaned the mess and hid the bloody towels that I used to clean the floor tiles.

I bandaged myself yet again and let the day go on. As the day got later in the evening, everyone got dressed and ready to go eat. my stamache ached and gurgled at the thought of sustenance.

I didn't have any cloths besides the one I came in, so nightmare lended me a dark red t-shirt that he never wore and some new Jean's for me to keep. I washed my jacket and wore that as well to hide any scars.

No one suspected anything.

I decided to take my wallet and check my cash. Just in case. I noticed I only had a few hundred bucks. That seems like a lot, but if I'm going to be here, I need to start paying rent and Bill's soon, So money is important. I open my phone and pull open my bank account.

Sooner or later, mom or geno is gonna take the money to pay for a funeral or something. I need this money.

I decided to empty my bank account. I noticed their was a nearby bank close to the apartment. I would ask if we could stop by their before we headed out to this 'saltgrass' place so I could get my money in a form of paper dollars.

"Error!! You ready to go!??" I hear killer yell from the other room.

I get up from sitting on my bed and leave my room. Their all waiting in the living room for me. I decide to speak up about my predicament "Yeah. But before we head to the place, can we stop by the nearby bank? I need some cash."

Nightmare immediately speaks up.

"I already said I was gonna pay for your meal error."

"Yeah..I know that! But my.. umm.. my credit card is acting up, so in order to start buying stuff in the future, or pay rent, I need some money." I say, comming up with excuses.

Theirs a second of silence before horror speaks up.

"Okay! Sure!" He says, with his usual dumb optimism.

Killer just nods and dust doesnt say anything.

Nightmare doesnt think anything of it and throws on a small black baseball cap with a small white star in the center.

"Alright.." he says

Killer goes over to the door and opens it, everyone walks out, and I quickly shove on my shoes before following then. We leave the apartment, only passing by 1 or 2 people on our way out.

We get in a car that was suposedly killers. He had a red and black mustang. The interior was small, but very neat and clean.

Killer drove and nightmare sat in the front passenger seat. Dust sat behind nightmare, and I sat behind killer. Horror sat in the middle, and made it very hard to sit without being squished. I tried my best to not touch him, and I think he was secretly trying his best to not touch me either. Poor guy seemed worried that he might touch me and make me uncomfortable.

If he touched me on accident, I tried my best to not look uncomfortable so that way he wouldn't feel guilty. This lasted the whole car ride, which wasnt too long, yet felt like eternity.

Eventually we pulled up to a brick and wooden building. The exterior had horse saddles, a longhorn skull, a wagon wheel, and lasso's as decorations mounted on the walls. In green words, it read 'Saltgrass. Seafood and Steakhouse' above some wooden double doors.

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