Chapter 6: is this good news?

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(Short chapter, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless)

Error POV: I got to the house around 6:12. I opened the door to the warmth of my home. I noticed Geno eating at the table and talking calmly to mom, who was listening with a smile. Fresh sat in the connected living room, and was curled up on the couch blankly watching tv.

When their eyes land on me as I press the button to close the garage, and close to door, their eyes light up and they smile. I take my jacket off, leaving me in only the red turtleneck. I look at them. "I'm home."

Geno bursts out of his seat.

"Error! Great news!" He says, walking over to me with the brightest smile on his face. I look at him with curiosity.

Was he not mad at me for yesterday?

"What's up?" I say, wanting to know what had him in such a good mood.

"Remember how I said Dr Sci gave some new meds?"


"Well.. he ran some tests and diagnostics today and found that the sickness was reacting with pills. He said something scientific, but long story short, he said that the pills where working to kill the sickness, and it was working! Its the cure!"

I felt my soul leap. I couldnt hold back a smile as my exightment filled me. "Really!?" I asked. He nodded happily.

I laughed and basically tackled him in a hug. He hugged me back tightly, and we both kinda started crying slightly.

For once it was happy tears..

Hours passed of Geno happily talking and jumping about. He seemed like a kid again.

He talked endlessly about all the possibilities..

He could go out and roam the park without the concern of falling to the ground in pain. He could go eat at places without having to taste blood In every bite. He could go to places and run and jump, have fun without worrying about having a pain attack because of an adrenaline burst. He could go to school and actually meet new people.

He didnt have to be supervised anymore.

He didnt have to be protected anymore!


He didnt.. have to be protected anymore..!

He didnt....

The world seemed to go silent..

The screaming of joy from my brother slowly faded as the realization hit me like a truck.

What was I supost to do now..?

I felt like I was in a daze. And that daze lasted for days on end. I felt numb..

Geno was in and out of the house for around a week and a half. And slowly but surely, the medication killed off the sickness. Geno was as lively as ever. Happy and outgoing. Every moment he was able to, he was out of the house exploring. He had already been around the city, but never had gone alone, or without worry of pain.

He got to spend as much time as wanted talking and walking around doing whatever he liked. And I was left alone..

He didnt want people supervising him anymore.

He wanted that freedom of being healthy.

He wanted a life without anyone around

He wanted a life without me.

Mom helped him enroll into the school system and we started doing school in person instead of working online.

Geno met new friends, and slowly stopped being around me.

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