Chapter 5: is it worth something I cant control?

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Error POV: I walked onto the large building and looked around.

Me and Geno had come on the first day to get use to the place, just in case we ever came in person. We met our teacher, explained why we would be working online, and walked around the building to get the layout down. Of course that was a while back, so I dont really remember much of it.

I remember Mr Dalitch's room is upstairs somewhere, but I'm not sure where.. do I even have a locker? No. Why would we have a locker if we where mainly online learning?

Even if I do have a locker, I don't remember where it is anyway.

I look around and see countless people chatting and walking around. I put my hood up and keep walking. Humans and monsters litter the halls. Girls and guys chat and laugh, but I notice a lot of people looking at me weirdly.

I cant help but wonder why.

sooner or later I find the stairs and climb up them, slightly out of breath from climbing them. Even tho it was only one floor up.

I walked around and looked at all the doors, searching for a label that said 'Dalitch' on it. Only to find nothing of the sort.

"Hey! You!" I heard someone yell. I didnt like their tone of voice, and I doubt they where talking to me, So I just kept walking.

"Hey! Creep!" Some guy said, walking in front of me "I'm talking to you weird eyes" he said, blocking my way.

He was tall, and kinda skinny with broad shoulders. He was human, and had dark hair, alongside dark eyes. He had a clear face with a kinda small nose, and pale lips. His outfit was tight on him, and showed off his silhouette.

"You new here?" He said, looking me up and down. I just ignored him and tried to walk around him. He wasnt worth my time. Yet he still get on my way

"Hey! I'm talking to you. You deaf or something?" He says, blocking me from moving forward. I just look at him with annoyance layering my expression.

"What do you want." I say, looking him up and down with pure disgust. He didn't seem fazed.

"Wondering what someone like you is doing here. You sure your at the right place?"

"What do you mean 'someone like me'? If your talking about me being a monster, this is a monster and human school. So your clearly confused." I say.

I'm aware people dont like monsters that much. People will beat monsters and fight them, saying that their freaks and should die out. Discrimination of sorts.

But that's not the type of discrimination this guy was referencing.

"I'm not talking about that. Im talking about your bones stupid."

He was talking about complexion.

About color.

This isnt only for monsters, but for humans as well.

Monsters like me are rare. Not many skeletons are born with dark bones, but it's common in humans. Yet people are hated for it. I never understood why. Why cant people just live? It's not their fault if their born with a certain color of skin/bone. Or who people love and care for. Or what people belive. Or what gender they are.

Why cant we all just be understanding for once..?

I dont like a lot of people, but I understand that people cant control some things. Or I understand that people might not agree with my beliefs. I would never hate someone for that.

It's people like this that I hate with a passion..

People that dont even bother to listen or care.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to get to class." I say, walking past him, pushing him out of the way by bumbing my should aggressively into his as I walk past.

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