Chapter 18: cold

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Error POV: the day went on slowly. Everyone refused to allow me to do anything other than rest. Your hungry? I'll go get you food. You want something? I'll go get it for you. Oh, you just yawned? You should go to sleep. You want to get up? No, you need to rest.

It was kinda annoying. But also kinda nice.

The irresponsibility of not having to do anything? Lifechanging.

All I did was lounge around on the couch and watch any show or movie I wanted to. No one ever asked to change the channel like they normally would, seeming how nightmare would have a 'stern talk' with them if they upset me. Seeming how I was in a bad mental place and the risk was too large as is.

Although, of course, the relief came with a side of guilt.

They did everything, and I wasnt helping in any way, and not to metion the fact that they where worried about me because of my little stunt I had pulled.

But the compliments they constantly gave me helped slightly.

..only Slightly..

Killer told more jokes than usual, and horror baked some cookies, extra chocolate, for me. Dust was quiet, but would speak occasionally with a kind smile. Which was surprising due to the information he learned from the newspaper..

Speaking of which.. I need to figure out a time to talk to nightmare..

I dont think now would be a good time. And definitely not the day of a party. That would just be awkward and would probably ruin the fun for him.

So I should probably tell him the day after the party...

Yeah. I'll do that.

Even tho that seems so long from now.. nearly felt like a lifetime away.

As the sun faded from the skyline, and the moon was the only thing illuminating the night, everyone went to bed early. With the exception of me and Nightmare.

"Ready to go to bed sweetheart?" Nightmare asked, seeming how the time was close to midnight and everyone else had already gone to bed.

"Yeah." I say with a small yawn, pushing myself off the couch as I go to stand up.

But to no avail due to Night.

Before I could stand up fully, nightmare picked me up from the couch and started walking to his room.

"Night, I can walk on my own-" I say, trying to get out of his grasp, humiliated that he was carrying me like I couldnt walk on my own.

He simply responds easily with: "And I can carry you. Congrats. We both figured out something we can do". I glare and he smirks mischievously. he gets to his door and Seeming how it was already cracked open, Night was able to open the door with his foot by kicking it gently. Once he entered the room, he used his foot to close the door, and went and put me gently on the bed.

He tried to get up from off of me, but I didnt let him.

I didnt get to do anything today. So at least let me have a little fun..

Before he could stand back up from setting me down, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him onto the bed with me.

He was clearly caught off guard, but was quickly smiling once I started to kiss him.

He kissed back and wrapped his hands around my waist, putting his knee inbetween my legs. I pull closer.

I slip my hands under his shirt, wanting to take it off, not pulling my 'lips' away from his unless one of us needed air. He nearly allowed me to continue, but I guess he had some sort of epiphany and decided against it, Because suddenly he pulls away, pulling my hands out from his shirt. I look at him clearly confused.

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