Chapter 2: Puke It Up.

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Error POV: for hours I sat cleaning. Dusting, vacuuming, wiping down counters, rearranging, washing dishes, washing cloths, hanging cloths, exe.

Once everything was clean, I went to my room, and got on my computer. I went to check all my work from school, and found multiple assignments.

Me and geno do college online. We have the option to go to the actual collage building, but Geno dosnt have the energy to walk around all day, and if one of his coughing fits happen, someone he knows needs to be their to help. Geno hates it.

He wants to go out and do things.

I never really understood it. I dont really like others, so it's understandable why I dont like it. Geno, on the other hand, wants to meet people. He has a few online friends, and theirs a neighbor around our age that will come visit every now and then, but besides that, he doesnt have anyone.

He remembers going out to play at the park when we where younger. Before he was diagnosed.

He misses being able to do things without pain.

Dont get me wrong, technically geno could go do those things if he wanted, but theirs a risk.

To much activity will cause him to start a coughing fit. Blood fills his throat and he either coughs it all up, or begins to choke on it.

His soul bleeds, and will randomly cause bursts of pain. It's bad enough to cause him to scream and collapse at times. If his soul is beating to fast, like if he where to be scared or running to fast to get his soul beating faster, it could cause him an immense amount of agony.

And it seems to be getting worse every day.

And thinking about it, made me worry. Maybe I shouldn't have let him go on his own to the doctor..

I shake it off and look at the handful of work that date waiting for me on the computer.

I didnt have the motivation to do anything anymore.

Anything outside helping Geno just made me feel useless.

Was I worth anything when I wasnt doing anything for Geno?

Was I worth anything to Geno himself?

I power off my computer, realizing I have no motivation to do any of it. I get up front my desk and go over to my bed, plopping down onto the soft comforter, my head being buried into my pillows. I lay still.

Eventually I flip around to my back staring at the ceiling fan as it spun in a never ending circle.

Around and around and around and around.

I looked at my neon clock. 3:27 in the afternoon. No one was back home yet.

I lay on my bed. Watching the minutes pass.


The time edged on slowly as I watched the hours pass. I heard the garage open at around 5:38, and I shot up. I jumped out of bed, and ran over to my window, moving the blackout curtain and looking torwards the driveway, only to be disappointed as I saw it was moms car. I watch as her and fresh got out of the car.

I groan and close the curtain.

At least mom was home.

I go over everything in my head.

I cleaned the dishes, I wiped everything down. I made sure to clean all the wounds, and I bought some more bandages to replace the missing ones, so no one would notice the missing medical equipment. I had already washed all the cloths and all the bedsheets from everyones room..

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