Chapter 17: a reason to cry.

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Chapter 17: a reason to cry.


Error Pov: the quiet sound of small snores woke me up. The morning sun fell through the blinds and fell onto the carpet floor. The black bedside table held my phone, and the dark bed frame made the room seem more dark. The grey covers covered me, and l felt the comfort of arms wrap around my waist. I felt breathing on the back of my neck and immediately knew who it was.

This room looked familiar, yet it wasn't mine.

I sat up and the figure that was originally holding onto me squirmed in discomfort before rolling over with a tired groan. I looked over and saw nightmare slowly falling back into sleep. He wore a plain white t-shirt and black shorts. I noticed I was wearing a soft black longsleeve shirt, and I now had sweatpants on.

The anxiety I had faded once I realized we still had cloths on. It gave me a reassurance that I didnt do anything stupid last night.

Despite not drinking any alcohol last night, my head pounded as if I had a hangover. I groaned slightly as I rubbed my head with my hand.

My vision was blurry and I felt dizzy from sitting up too fast. It felt as if the bed was moving from under me. I couldnt help but feel nauseous. I felt like I needed to lay back down..

My eyes fell onto the small alarm clock that sat on the bedside table next to my phone. It read 11:41 AM.

If I remember correctly, me and night didnt end up getting home until around 2 AM. Maybe even 3. Dust and killer where still awake, sitting in the couch. Suposedly killer was too worried about us that he couldnt sleep because neither of us had answered any calls, and dust had simply stayed awake to keep killer from freaking out to much. Horror had went to his room and passed out at around 10, and had been snoring audibly from the next room over.

After a little bit of talking, killer finally calmed down and nightmare sent him to his room to sleep. Dust wasnt tired yet but told us he would go to sleep as soon as possible.

We both ended up taking a shower to warm ourselves off from the cold rain. I took a 30 minute shower in the guest bathroom, while nightmare took a 12 minute shower in the bathroom connected to his room.

Once I got out, dust had already gone back to his room and gone to bed, leaving me and nightmare the only ones awake. He offered me a t-shirt and sweatpants to get dressed into, and I only accepted the sweatpants, seeming how I didnt want to reveal my arms. I went to my room and got a plain black longsleeve shirt, and put that on because "I got cold easily at night" or something like that. He suprisingly belived me.

I fell onto the bed with a comfortable groan, my back sinking into the mattress. Nightmare smiled and gently layed ontop of me, kissing me gently for a minute or two before finally getting off and laying next to me. I moved closer to him before immediately passing out. I'm guessing nightmare wasnt that far after me.

And now I sat in the dark room with a throbbing headache and no idea of weather to get up or pass out again.

Luckily thought, I didnt have to make the decision.

A hand was placed onto my shoulder and pulled me back down onto the soft comfort of the mattress. Arms wrapped around my stomach and nightmare spoke up.

"Go back to sleep... I wanna go back to bed.." he mumbled tiredly. He was clearly not a morning person.

He dug his head into my back and tightened his grip around me, pulling my lower back into his stomach.

"Night, it's nearly noon.. we gotta get up.. we gotta go to work."

"Error, its Saturday.. yesterday was our friday off.."

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