Chapter 12: hes not home. Yet.

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Geno POV: I sat typing furiously on my computer. The morning sun just beginning to rise. The bags under my eyes revealed the fact that I hadn't slept. Countless tabs from news channels and articles about the fire sat open on my computer screen. I had taken notes on everything I new, every ounce of proof that someone could have survived. Every ounce of proof that Error made it out.

Ever sense I drive back home from that blazing inferno, I had locked myself in my room and started doing research. By the time I had gotten home, there where already countless documents about the burned down building and the events that occurred.

As I read more and more about the accident, the stronger the feeling got that error wasnt alive. Even though all the articles said no one survived, I couldnt shake the feeling in my gut.

But I didnt have enough evidence..

I needed more evidence.

My phone buzzed once more as I saw a notification from my boyfriend once more. I open my messages and look at what hes said in the past day.

'Hello love! How was your day today?'



'Hey. I'm home go to bed soon. U alright?'

'I'm going to sleep.. I love you geno. Text me if you need anything okay..?'

'Good morning love'

'How did you sleep?'


'Sweetheart I'm starting to get worried. Y are you not responding? Did I do something wrong?'

'Please talk to me bb.'

*11 missed calls.*

*7 new voicemails*

I set down my phone, not responding to him. I couldnt bring myself to be in a loving or reassuring mood when I needed to be focused on my brother.

I simply needed more evidence.

An idea popped in my head as I sat in silence. Without a second thought, I got up and grabbed a nearby bag, stuffing my phone, wallet, charger, and headphones in the large bag, leaving the rest empty for anything else I might grab.

I rush out of my room and throw on my shoes, not bothering to wipe off my dirty cloths that still had small bits of ashes in the crevices.

I grab my keys and got in my car, driving in silence to a familiar, burned down building that was surprisingly still standing.

Some walls and floors where still out together, and the floor with the burst pipe looked fine. I looked around and no one was around. It was still pretty early. The only thing stopping anyone from entering the building was a small caution tape sign that was tied onto the glass entrance doors that had shattered.

I got out of my car, making sure to take my keys out and lock the car before walking over to the building, double checking that no one was around. Sure enough, the street was empty. I walked over to the building and slipped behind the cation tape, maneuvering through the broken glass doors so I wouldnt get stabbed by the sharp broken shards.

The entry lobby was nothing but black tar and ashe. The remnants of furniture and dirty countertops left untouched. You could still somewhat see the brown hardwood floor underneath all the debris. I quickly looked around for a sign of stairs. I walk down a hallway that was filled with dirt and remains of once sturdy doors.

I peaked into the rooms and found things that carved their images into my head. Some rooms where just simply destroyed. But others...

I saw burned human flesh sitting by a door with claw mark's on it. They had tried to get out but couldnt. Piles of dust sat in rooms and throughout the hallway. Scattered as if they where moving when they dusted. Trying to run.

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