Chapter 8: did you plan for the sun to rise?

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( hello lovelies! I would just like to say I'm sorry for the long wait! I was sick all week, and simply didnt have the energy to do much of anything! But I finally managed to get this chapter out!

This isnt my best chapter, and some parts where kinda rushed, but I font want to keep anyone else waiting! So enjoy, and have a great day!!)

Error POV: I sat in the large charter bus. I managed to pay for a two hour drive one way. I tried to listen to music as the scenery passed by, but I couldnt shake the feeling of anxiety.

Was I really going through with this..?

Was I really leaving my life behind..?

Would this make me happy?

I anxiously watched the city I was supost to spend my whole life in, fade from my view.

I nearly jumped out of my seat as I felt my phone start to vibrate as moms phone contact popped up on the screen, calling me with an aggressive ringtone that only gave me more anxiety.

Should I answer?

Should I really go through with this..?

I looked at my phone with longing, but i knew it was for the best that i was, quote unquote, dead.

I watched as the phone vibrated before my phone finally went black, as the phone sent mom to voicemail.

Geno started texting me. Alongside mom.

'Geno: error. Are you alright?? Please answer-'

'Mom: please say your alright. Oh god please answer.'

'Geno: brother. please respond.'

'Mom: sweetheart tell me your alright. Please- my heart cant take this-'


I'm guessing the news got out about the burning apartment..

Geno and mother called countless times. I used all my self control to not call them back. Not to answer and start bawling my eyes out. Not to apologize over and over again and to beg for mom to come pick me up.

I was scared.. but I know it was for the best. This would help me..



I watched as the scenery flew by. Seconds seemed like hours as my soul started to pound. My anxiety and guilt flooded my head as the time passed by. I watched as we passed old abandoned citys overgrown with plants, and then large cities where people flooded the street, and never seemed to be not busy. Busy roads on large highways, and small backroads in dark forests. Yet none of the time passed made me feel any better..

Sooner or later, I arrived at a large town and the bus slammed to a stop. The dark sky made the empty bus seem eerie. The bus driver looked back at me with a nonchalant look.

"This is where we part ways dude. You payed for this stop. Not to mention I'm tired. I wanna go home man."

I just nodded, and grabbed my single bag.

I left the warmth of the bus to be met with a large empty street, lit by dim lamplight. The breeze blew and sent a cold shiver down my spine, nearly knocking me over as the bus doors closed behind me and the large vehicle drove away.

Leaving me alone in a new, unforgiving city.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the temperature.

Nearly snow temps..


I pulled up my hoodie and zipped my jacket, started to shiver slightly. Steam coming from my breath.

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