Chapter 19..

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( sorry for the long wait! Enjoy guys~! )

1 hour before: ...

Geno POV: Everyone sat on the couches in the living room, waiting on any others to show up, chatting and watching the tv which was blasting the intro song of a show named 'Ridiculousness'. A show filled with clips of chaotic moments of stupid people.

I hadn't done much talking, simply listening. But everyone made sure to keep me in the conversation, making sure to talk to me every so often.

Reaper sat next to me and had his arm wrapped around my back. His hand resting on my hip. He slipped his hand into my shirt and moved his hand to my back, gently caressed my spine, going lower and lower. Sending a small gasp out of my mouth and a chill to go over me. Luckily, no one was looking at us, everyone being focused on the tv as some more funny moments came on screen. I turned to look at him and grabbed his arm, tearing it out of my shirt, and glaring. he simply smiles.

I cant help but feel an embarrassed blush cover my face. I groan quietly and look away from him. He leans into me and wraps his hand around my back and on my hip once more. No longer resting his hand up my shirt.

"So Geno" says dream, focusing his attention to me once the funny tv clip was over. "Where are you from?" He asks, flashing a patient smile.

"Oh! I'm from a small town named Baneville. It's around an hour-and-a-half/ 2 hours, away from here. Depending on traffic and stuff." I respond, returning a smile.

"Oh! I see. Thats-"

A muffled ringing sound followed by a vibrating feeling in my back pocket.

The room goes silent as dream goes silent, allowing me to check whatever was going on.

I pull out my phone to veiw what was happening and noticed a call. Moms contact was on screen with the contact title of 'Mama bear ❤'.

I looked up from the screen and gave a small smile.

"Hey. It's my mom. Is it alright if I step out of the room to answer the call..?" I ask politely.

Dream smiles patiently. "Of course!"

"You can go step into my room to answer. Its upstairs to the left." Reaper says, pointing to the stairs. I nod in response and fast-walk over to the stairs, tirelessly walked up them, and turned to the left. I found the door that I recognized as reapers room and opened it.

I turned on the light and the room was burst into a yellow hue. Their was a bed with black covers, that rested on a tan carpet floor. Simple wardrobes against the back walls and sunlight peaking through a pair of black and grey curtains. I even noticed a small picture of me and reaper in a little frame on his bedside table.

I smiled to myself, and finally answered the call.


"Geno! Where are you!? The life 360 app says your in some town named Pentral."

"Calm down mom. I'm just visiting Reaper at his place for a party tonight!"

"Your sure..?

Your not their to look for Error.... are you..?"

I hesitate.

I hear an angry sigh.

"What's Reapers adress."


"What. Is. Reapers. Adress."


"Because I'm tired of this. I'm picking you up and you and me are gonna have a stern talk. Face to face. And once we are done, you are going to say your goodbyes, and we are gonna head home and go to the graveyard. You need to see for yourself where your brother is."

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