Chapter 3: a rising suspicion

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Geno's Pov: we all just got done eating, and I watched silently had Error left the room, going down the hallways. I listened closely and heard a door open.

I quickly noticed that it was a door closer torwards the back of the hallway, torwards my room, and the bathroom..

I'm guessing my face twisted in concern, because mother looked at me with a face of worry.

"Is everything alright sweetheart..?" Mom asked, looking at me worriedly. I smiled a concerned smile at her.

"Yeah..! Its just..

Have you noticed that error hasnt been eating much? Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but every time he eats something, he runs off to the bathroom, and stays in their for a long time.

He says it's just to wash his hands, but if that was the case then why not just use the kitchen sink?

He seems to never eat breakfast anymore, and I'm starting to get worried.."

I say, as I look down the hallway torwards the way Error went.

Mom looks in that direction as well, seeming to become concerned as well. "I'm not sure.. I dont see why he would feel the need to do all that tho..! Hes been super kind and helpful to us both sense he was a kid..! Are you sure your not just being over-analytical?" She looks back over at me.

I stay quiet. Thinking.

She has a point. Why would Error feel the need to starve himself. He seems fine..!

But I cant seem to shake off all the eerie feelings filling my head. My head began to pound.

"Yeah.. I probably am" I answer her. I stand up from the table and look at mom with a smile.

"I'm gonna go to my room. Im kinda tired" I say. She smiles at me and responds with "of course! Sleep well!"

I leave silently before going torwards my room.

I look back and see mom not paying attention. I use the opportunity to go to the bathroom. I go over to the door and listen intently to the inside, only to be met with the sound of the loud bathroom vent.

"Error..?" I knock "you okay in there?"

Theirs silence for a long while before the door opens. Error stood their, in the background I could see the water for the bath tub running. Error was holding a towel and looked at me with confusion.

"Hey. What's up?" He says. Looking at me.

His expression was confused, but I could have swore I saw fear in his eyes.

"Oh. Yeah..! I just noticed you went to the bathroom again and I got worried. Sorry.. didn't know you where taking a bath." I say with a small smile. He tells me it's ok, and starts talking. I time him out as I scan the bathroom behind him.

The water from the tub sounded like it was hitting the botton of the tub, not a pool of water.. so he had just started the bath.. it hadn't been running for long.

The toilet was open for some reason, and I saw a febreeze bottle on the counter. The room reeked of the air refresher.

If he was gonna take a bath, why not start it when he came in here? He still has all of his clothes on and everything!

I'm guessing he saw me looking at the air refresher because he blocked my view from it by getting in the way.

I look at him with a slight glare

"Are you sure you're alright..?" I ask seriously.

"Geno, I'm fine.. I promise..! Why are you so worried all of a sudden?" He asks, quickly changing the topic to me.

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