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"I only cry for you"

"I only cry for you"

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Real life!

3rd person!

"WHAT THE FUCK IS UP HOMIE?" Jasmine's character hits the furry's also know as Fundy as he tries to escape the horrible Marge impersonator.

"Leave me alone Jaz! We're suppose to work together!" Fundy shouts as he stacks blocks under his character.

"Mm, Homie." She pulls back the bow and shoots him off the wooden stack.

"Fuuuckk..." He whines as Jasmine grabs his items.

"Oh shit you had three diamonds, thanks daddy" she smiles, breaking out of her impression to go make a pickaxe.

"Well chat-" Fundy sighs, "if Jaz is gonna continue being a meanie I think I'm gonna end stream!" Fundy raises his voice at the end.

"Good, bye chat! Bye! I wanna stream, RAID ME FURRY! Bye chat!" She waves even though her camera wasn't on. "Get your last subs in and I'll read them!" Of course she wanted to see Fundy succeed so she had to help him before leaving.

"Yes! Yes listen to Jaz!"

She leans forward to read the donations, "what...happen- well shit, I can't read." She huffs at the small white letters. No, No. she could read it perfectly, she had 20/20 vision after all.

What happened to the yorkduo?

Schlatt happened, that's all she tells anyone whenever they ask but she was done with people asking. If they really wanted to know they should've asked Schlatt, but little did she know that's exactly what they did.

Schlatt's laughter booms into his microphone, laughing at an edit of Jasmine falling on a banana - soon after finding out she broke her hip. "You got me chat" He wipes a tear from his eye, not even bothering to glance at his chat. Knowing they were all asking what happened.

Do you guys still talk?

Why'd she leave lunch club?

Why don't any of you communicate anymore?

How was he suppose to answer? It was his fault after all and he knew that. Everyday he would wish he could go back in time and stop what he did.


"It feels like you don't even love me! What are we?! Fucking friends with benefits? We just told the world and you don't even want a hug from me!" Jasmine tries to hide the tears falling from her eyes, she always cried when she got frustrated.

Schlatt groans and slams his soda on the coffee table, standing up and turning to face her. He was tired of her whining, she should know he loves her. He did confess after all.

She just stares as he takes a step closer, "FUCKING SHUT YOUR MOUTH WILL YOU?"

A crackle echos throughout the small apartment. Tears now pouring from both their eyes.

She's so sorry...he forgives her.


A light from his screen snaps him out of the past, one of his mods were asking him if he was alright. Thats when he felt the thin wet streak drip down to his chin. Schlatt quickly wipes the tear and scoots closer to his desk.

"We're about an two hours about we end here c-chat?" Of course his voice had to fucking crack, he plays it off as a belch. "Get lost fuckers, let's raid..." He stops, she was live. It was his chance to finally get noticed by her again. "...Jasmine..." He mumbles, quickly ending stream and going to watch hers.

"Thank you for the-" Jasmine freezes at the name, her smile drops as she glares at the name. She was much more popular than him, she was an e-girl after all. "" she finishes and goes back to explaining what she was doing, behind a screen just like everyone else. Just like Schlatt.

Who's keyboard won't work tomorrow from the amount of water it just took in.

Who's keyboard won't work tomorrow from the amount of water it just took in

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Froggie speaks!
Make sure to eat lovelies <3

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