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"I was jealous sometimes."

Real life and Internet!

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Real life and Internet!


"Fundy you are making the worst fucking choices" I roll my eyes. First he eliminated Tommy (which was okay) then Wilbur (like he said he would do). Then Sapnap, Minx, Karl. Now all that's left is Schlatt, Quackity, and Sarah.

"I am not!"

"Okay Fundy! This is your last choice, then it'll be Jaz's turn to make the final choice. But! Everyone please tell us who you think chose platonic host!" Austin says loudly.

"Well I think Schlatt chose host honestly" Quackity adjusts his beanie.

"No, no I didn't" Schlatt shakes his head.

"Didn't you say you did in the beginning?" I look at my camera confused.

"Yeah but I was lying" He shrugs.

"Well I don't think Schlatt is a good choice either" Sarah chimes in.

"And why's that?" Schlatt asks.

"Because, you've been drinking whiskey this whole time, also you look hella sexist" Sarah explains. "And your beard makes you look really mean"

"What? It's not a beard-"

"Okay Sarah calm down...who is this girl anyways..?" I mumble into the mic. "Schlatt is definitely not either of those things, but yes Schlatt. Stop drinking on my platonic love or host"

He rolls his eyes and sets the bottle of whiskey down. "Well i think fucking Sarah chose host."

"Fundy do you know who you're eliminating?" Austin asks.

"Definitely" Fundy messages Austin the answer.

"Okay..." Austin plays suspenseful music. "Quackity you!"

"Yeah!" Quackity cheers.

"Sarah you are...ELIMINATED! Schlatt you are safe!" Austin finishes.

Schlatt and Quackity clap their hands as Sarah's jaw drops. "Wha-"

"Let's see what Sarah chose" Austin scoots his chair closer to his desk. "She chose....LOVE!"

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