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"I feel a stab in my heart"

"I feel a stab in my heart"

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Real life!


"I DON'T...WHY ARE YOU HERE AGAIN?" I slur, I take another sip of my beer. Autumn shrugs.

"Just thought like visiting, just realized how we don't hang out that much- like at all." She laughs. "Hey where's Devin?" She asks.

"He's coming over...calm down" I giggle. She nods.

"You guys really love each other huh?" She dryly chuckles.

", n-no not really..." I sigh. " know Schlatt right..?" I cough.

"Wait what?! That bitch?" She laughs. "I can't believe it! You like him?"

"W-Well no! I'm t-trying not to..." I pause. "...I don't want t-to! I'm trying to get-get over him with Devin!" I slur. She rolls her eyes and goes to speak but a knock on the door interrupts her. "The doors open!" The front door opens and Devin smiles, smoke exiting his mouth.

"Hey you two" Devin shuts the door with his foot, a cigarette still in between two of his fingers.

"Can you put that out?" I ask, waving the smoke out of my face when Devin goes to give me a kiss.

He rolls his eyes and gives me a peck on the lips aways. I start coughing and waving the smoke out of my face. "It's not that bad"

"Y-You can get lung...lung cancer you know! My dad almost d-died" I poke his chest.

"Are you- are you drunk?" He looks at the bottle in my hand.

"Mega drunk" Autumn laughs.

"I'm not that drunk" I roll my eyes. "Can you j-just put the cigarette out?"

"Whatever" Devin rolls his eyes and puts the cigarette out on my wooden coffee table.

"Hey Jaz why don't you tell him what you just told me?" Autumn nudges me.

"W-what? No! That's girl talk" I take a swig of beer.

"What? I wanna know now" Devin grins.

"Well...she still has a major crush on that Jschlatt guy" Autumn snickers.

Devin looks at me angrily.


"Hello?" I rub my eye and lean on the doorframe after opening my front door. It was so late at night. I open my eyes and go to look who's infront of me but they rush forward and latch their arms around me, I look down confused. "Min?"

"...Devin-Devin broke up with me..." Min slurs.

"Are you fucking drunk?" I could smell the alcohol, I wrap my arms around her waist as she hugs me tighter. "Come inside" I pull her back into my house, closing the front door and then hugging her again.

"...Autumn's a b-bitch..." she sniffles.

I chuckle. "Yeah, I know"

"...she told Devin my worst secret" I feel her tears soak into my shirt.

"And what's that? I think I should know if Autumn knows" I smile.

"I never a-actually loved Devin...I loved...loved someone else and I was trying to get over it." Her voice comes out slurred and muffled because of her face on my shoulder.

I felt my face burn at the chance of it being me, it was probably really fucking low but it was still a chance. "Oh yeah? Who was it?" I ask.

"Like I'm f-fucking telling you" she laughs and I playfully roll my eyes. "Can I stay the night..?"

"Aren't you gonna question why you wake up in the morning at my place?" I look down at her and she looks up at me.

"I'd rather wake up with a horrible hangover with a pretty boy than wake up with hangover sad and alone" she removes an arm from around me and wipes her tears.

I nod and let go of her, she follows me to the couch. "I'll get you a blanket" she sits down on the couch and I leave to go get a blanket off my bed. I come back and see her already laying down with her eyes closed, I smile and lay the blanket on top of her. I go to leave but her voice stops me.

"J wait..." I look back at her. "...I want you..."

"What?!" I spin around completely.

"Please stay...I just want to cuddle." she holds out her arms as she sits up.

" know I'm not the cuddling type" I sigh.

"I'll make you the fucking cuddling type...please" she begs and I roll my eyes, walking over and sitting down next to her. She throws her arms around my neck and shoves her face into my neck.

"Min..?" I shake her side lightly. I then hear a loud snore. "Fuck." She was always a heavy sleeper and loud snorer. I sit and look around the room, trying to find a way out of this. I sigh and lay down, her body falls on top of me. Jambo walks over and jumps on top of the two of us. "! Fuck off Jambo this is my moment..." I push him off her.

"...fucking fuck..." Min lifts her head for a second and then lays her head back in the nape of my neck, her breathe on my neck making me shiver.

I swallow and place a hand on the back of her head, slowly running my fingers through her hair.

"...Goodnight Min..."

Froggie speaks!Can we just pretend Schlatt still lives in NY? I completely forgot he lives in Texas now :(

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Froggie speaks!
Can we just pretend Schlatt still lives in NY? I completely forgot he lives in Texas now :(

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