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"You still have my hoodie right?"

"You still have my hoodie right?"

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Real life!


I WAKE UP TO A WEIGHT BEING PLACED ON MY CHEST, it made me warmer. "...shit...shit Jambo no..."

I then feel a hand separate the weight and I, I open my eyes and see Schlatt holding an orange cat. "Cat!" I take the cat from Schlatt's hands immediately, sitting up and petting it.

"Heh...sorry about Jambo...he just hopped on you and I didn't want to...wake...you...up" his voice gets quieter at the end, like he was afraid I'd be annoyed with his rambling.

"Awh, Jambo is such a cute name!" I cradle Jambo in my arms before setting him down. "Would you let me keep him?" I joke.

"This motherfucker has costs me over ten thousand dollars in medical bills." Schlatt crouches down and pets Jambo on the head. "Awh, I still love you though"

"Anyways" I clear my throat. "I should go, my dad probably texted me last night, I need to charge my phone...you know" I shrug.

"Oh uh" Schlatt stands up and stares at Jambo as he rubs against my legs. "Yeah...alright..." He mumbles.

I stand up. "Oh shit. Do you um, know where my shirt is?" I ask as I look around the room. Schlatt kicks his foot back, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"Nope, haven't seen it"

I groan. "Okay do you mind if I borrow this? I'll return it" I sigh.

"Yeah I don't mind" He smiles and shakes his head.

I return the smile. "Thanks J"

I laugh. "No way! What?" I throw my head back, clutching my stomach. "That is not why" Schlatt had told me he grew his facial hair because he didn't like that people found him attractive.

"It is. It is" Schlatt nods a he runs a hand over his facial hair, the other hand on the steering wheel. "I was to attractive" he chuckles.

"Yeah" I roll my eyes. "And I can't drive" I giggle.

"Wait..." He stops at the red light, turning his head to face me. "...you can't drive..."

wowie . jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now