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"I lo- nevermind..."

Real life and internet!

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Real life and internet!


"SCHLATT" TED PAUSES. "you're staring at her contact again..." He continues to type away on his computer. I look away from my phone and at my computer.

I groan and drop my phone on the desk making Ted jump. "I fucking hate this..." I place both hands in my hair.

"What do you hate exactly? You're friends with her again and everything's nice" Ted shrugs.

"Ted you know what's fucking wrong, I keep forgetting that were not together anymore...I just miss her being with me..." I avoid the camera so I don't have to look at Ted.

"Well, maybe joining her platonic love or host will help?"

"Her what?"

Jaz! | @Jazzycakes • Just now

I better see someone super famous in my platonic love or host tomorrow, or I'll kill everyone (in minecraft).

💬 573k | ✉️ 29k | ❤ 1.1m

Wilbur soot | @Wilbursoot • Just now
Replying to @Jazzycakes

What about me? ;(

💬 248k | ✉️ 13k | ❤ 568.6k

Tommyinnit | @Tommyinnit • Just now
Replying to @Wilbursoot and @Jazzycakes

Hey Wil, it's "platonic" just making sure you knew.
Not like you'd win anyways :/

💬 913k | ✉️ 39k | ❤ 1.2m

Wilbur soot | @Wilbursoot • Just now
Replying to @Jazzycakes and @Tommyinnit

I will fucking punt you into the sun. 🖕

💬 | ✉️ | ❤

Jaz! | @Jazzycakes • Just now
Replying to @Tommyinnit

Why does your comment have more likes than my tweet? :(

wowie . jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now