twenty nine

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"You're still talking to Ted?"

"You're still talking to Ted?"

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Real life!


"YOU CAN ALWAYS TALK TO ME IF YOU'RE LONLEY" I smile at Min softly, she smiles back. I had almost just kissed her a moment before...


I open my eyes and let go of Min's chin. "I-I'm sorry, I can't do t-this..." I quickly get off her bed and stand up. Why did I almost kiss her? She didn't push me back- maybe she was telling the truth when she was drunk.

"J, I...It's okay" Min wipes her tears with her eyes. "Let's just...forget that ever happened..."

I nod. "...yeah..."

But I didn't want to forget it.


"Thank you J" Min thanks me, wrapping her arms around me again. Her hands were always so cold, I hum and hug her back. I place a hand on the back of her head and place my chin on the top of her head.

"Are you lonely right now?" I chuckle when she nods into my chest.

"Can we just...hug a bit longer?" She asks quietly.

I bring my head down to her shoulder. "Mm, two more minutes. You know I'm not the hugging type" I mumble into her hair.

We both sat in silence for those two minutes until Min let out a giggle. "J, its been more than two minutes" she let's go of me.

I hug her tighter. "Two more minutes then"

"I've been laying in bed for two days J, I should probably get up" she giggles.

"You haven't eaten?"

"No-" I cut her off.

"Okay get up" I let go of her and get off the bed. "I'm gonna make you something to eat"

wowie . jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now