twenty seven

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"Just...I'm-I'm sorry"

I'm-I'm sorry"

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Real life!


"AUGH...MY HEAD" I whine, I rub my eyes. I go to sit up but hit my head on the bottom of my bed, why the fuck was I under my bed? I see a light coming from my phone so I pick it up and see I'm on call with Schlatt. "J?"

" Oh, you're awake" I hear the tiredness in his voice.

"Did you sleep?" I ask, crawling out from under my bed.

"Yeah? Like, a few hours" Schlatt tells me.

"Okay, uh, why am I on call with you?" I sigh, walking to the bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror. "...what the fuck..?" I groan.

", well you kinda told me about your he has cancer..." Schlatt explains.

"...did I fucking really?" I pinch the bridge of my nose. "'s just-"

"Min, you don't need to explain anything. I know how close you are with your dad." Schlatt sighs. "And if you ever need someone to talk too I'm right here, only you though. Don't go recommending me to Wilbur or some shit because I'm not doing that" he chuckles.

"Ugh...I'm feeling One Day..." I set my phone down on the counter and turn on the sink, beginning to wash my face.

"Is that uh, Wilburmotions?"


"I'm feeling...maybe Cause For Concern or Taunt?" He says. "I have to like...use genius to learn what these songs mean..." He laughs.

"Oh, I only thought about the lyrics. I don't actually know what the songs mean" I laugh too.

"We are not Wilburducated huh?" Schlatt chuckles.

"Yeah I dropped out of Wilburchool" I hold back a laugh.

"Same" Schlatt laughs harder.

"What would Wilbur think of us making a language where every word starts with Wilbur?" I ask, turning off the sink.

"Wilbure Wilburon't Wilburind Wilburut" We both burst out laughing. "He won't find out" Schlatt says, knowing I wouldn't understand what he said before.

wowie . jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now