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"I don't know what to say"

"I don't know what to say"

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Real life and Internet!


Me and Schlatt both sat on the couch, His arm wrapped around my shoulder as we watch Ted talk to the camera Cooper was holding. Schlatt kisses my cheek and then I kiss his, going back and fourth until Cooper pans the camera to us and we both flip him off.

"Are you guys gonna be in the video or not?" Ted asks us. "Or should we just leave you guys?"

"Mm, I'm fine with staying here" I kiss Schlatt's cheek.

"Same here" he does it back. Ted and Cooper roll their eyes and leave the room. "...Hey Min..?" He speaks quietly.

"Yeah?" I look at him, he takes one of my hands, rubbing his thumb over the heart tattoo on my wrist. "Is something wrong J?" I ask as he kisses one of my knuckles.

"I really love you, you know that?" He places a hand on the side of my face, his fingers behind my ear, I smile at him. No.

No, This wasn't right. This isn't how it happened. Why?

I look around the room, where did Schlatt go? Where's the couch? "J?" I call out.

"WHY WOULD I EVER LOVE YOU?!" A glass cup shatters against the wall next to my head, I cry as Schlatt tries to calm himself down. "GOD"

I wipe my tears and look up at him, "...I-"

He drops his shoulders and stares at me, his expression softens. Schlatt drops to his knees and pulls me into a hug. "No, no no no, no...I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean it I swear, that isn't true. It isn't true sweetheart" he begins to cry himself. "Why can't I control my fucking emotions?"

"I...It's okay...I swear...I'm sorry"

"NO!" He shouts, pulling his head back to look me in the eyes. "This isn't fucking okay Min! I'm hurting you! I'm damaging you! can I fix this?"

wowie . jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now