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"I'd forgive you anyday"

"I'd forgive you anyday"

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Real life and internet!


"STOP ASKING TED" I roll my eyes, Ted and Charlie are the only lunch club members I actually stayed friends with after the whole drama.

"Well hey, I'm asking to" Charlie pouts.

"Stop asking Ted...and Charlie" I correct myself.

"Look, I understand what happened between you and Schlatt. He spills everything to me when the cameras off" Ted sighs, "I just want an old friend on our podcast"

"Look. After some-" I pause. "-Research. I see he's really changed, I mean. What happened to the iconic white boy? Now he has mutton chops" I giggle, "but I also see he has changed, even though it's only been two years. It was my fault to though..."


"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry J" I quickly drop my hand that had made contact with his face a second before, using it to wrap my arms around him.

He hums and rubs circles on my back, "it's okay...I shouted and didn't mean to scare you..." He plays with a strand of my hair, curling it around his finger.

"It's not okay...I hurt you..."

"I've hurt you much more." He sniffles. "You have a literal scar from me so stop apologizing. I'm a fucking dick"

"Are we right for eachother?"

I look up at him and he looks down at me, opening his mouth to speak but shuts it instead.


"Jasmine!" Charlie shouts, snapping me out of it. "Are you doing that thing in your head where you think back to one bad moment in your relationship?"

"Wha- no" I shake my head. "Anyways, I'm just saying..." I cross my arms and lean on my desk. "...I miss talking to him..."

"What was that?" Ted grins.

"Oh my forgiveometer is going off!" Charlie smiles, "wee-woo! wee-woo!" Ted joins in on the noise making me laugh.

"Okay! Okay! Fine! Maybe I wanna forgive him" I jokingly roll my eyes. "When's your next podcast?"

"Uh, three days" Ted tells me.

"Alright, I'll be there- and don't tell Schlatt I'm coming okay? I wanna see him freak out" Ted and Charlie nod before we all say goodbye and leave the call.

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