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"I loved being yours"

Real life and internet!

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Real life and internet!

Schlatt | @Jschlatt • Just now

Hey @Jazzycakes what would I have to do for you to unblock me?

💬 74.5k | ✉️ 1035 | ❤ 294.4k

Jaz! | @Jazzycakes
Replying to @JschlattJust now

I already did :/
Should I block you again?

💬 70.4k | ✉️ 231 | ❤ 184.6k

Schlatt | @Jschlatt
Replying to @Jazzycakes • Just now

Nope! Gonna call you soon

💬 15.6k | ✉️ 111 | ❤ 112.5k

3rd person!

"OKAY CHAT, I'M CALLING HER" Schlatt smiles and rings Jasmine's number.

"H-Hello?" She sniffles, wipe a few of her tears away and looking down at her phone that shows her and Schlatt's face.

"Holy shit are you crying?" Schlatt looks around before looking back down at his phone, hiding the fact that he was worried about her. "What's wrong?"

"The m-movie home is so sad"

Schlatt laughs and leans back in his chair, "you're crying over a movie?"

"It's sad!" She protests, Schlatt just shakes his head. "Anyways why'd you call me?" She wipes the rest of her tears with her sleeve.

"Honestly" he shrugs, "no idea, just wanted too" He laughs again, running a hand through his hair. "You wanna join my laugh or lose stream?"

"Bitch I just said I was watching home, no I don't want to join your shitty laugh or lose stream" she giggles, sending a wave of emotions to Schlatt's heart.

"Fine, fine." He chuckles, "why don't you finish your sad bitch party and then join after?" He had to keep up his Schlatt act for the fans.

"Why don't you fuck off and let me watch my movie?" She grumbles. Jasmine was in a bad mood today, first she woke up to falling off the bed, second she ran out of her favorite salty pretzels which she needed because of her low blood pressure. Third, it seemed as if everything in her house had disappeared so she had to go to the store.

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