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"I feel like I'm floating"

"I feel like I'm floating"

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Real life and internet!

Jaz! | @Jazzycakes • 1hr ago

What do you guys think of me and @Jschlatts house?

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What do you guys think of me and @Jschlatts house?

💬 147.5k | ✉️ 10.3k | ❤ 994k

Schlatt | @Jschlatt • 1hr ago
Replying to @Jazzycakes

Why would you tag me? I don't want to be associated with this build.

💬 100.3k | ✉️ 8.2k | ❤ 747k

User109 | @User109 • 1hr ago
Replying to @Jschlatt and @Jazzycakes


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User13 | @User13 • 1hr ago
Replying to @Jschlatt and @Jazzycakes

I love it #proudparent

💬 | ✉️ | ❤

3rd person!

BEING EXCITED WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. Schlatt was over the fucking moon. He didn't expect her to agree.

He had been waiting on his couch patiently for Jasmine to arrive. Patiently...Patiently...he wasn't patient.

So when there was a knock at the door he shot to his feet and quickly opened it. Smiling at the smaller girl.

wowie . jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now