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"People don't follow rules"

"People don't follow rules"

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Jaz! | @Jazzycakes • 2hrs

I had so much fun on the chuckle sandwich podcast! I recommend to others! @Jschlatt @TedNivison @CharlieSlimecicle

💬 101.5k |  ✉️ 21k | ❤ 993.4k

Schlatt | @Jschlatt
Replying to @Jazzycakes • 2hrs

I had fun making fun of your stupid ass.

Kidding it was nice having you too.

💬 130.8k |  ✉️ 12k | ❤ 503.4k

User203 | @User203
Replying to @Jazzycakes and @Jschlatt • 2hrs

What am I missing here?
Did they make up?
Are they dating again?

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User20 | @User20
Replying to @Jazzycakes and @Jschlatt • 2hrs


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User212 | @User212
Replying to @Jazzycakes and @Jschlatt • 2hrs

I just joined the Fandom last year and I know about their past from Google, here's a screenshot for anyone who doesn't know.

---> XXX

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Yorkduo Fandom!

I've seen many people asking what happened to Lunch club and the Yorkduo. I'm here to answer your questions!

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I talk more about this stuff. USER3


So, you're wondering what the yorkduo is. It's a duo of Jschlatt and Jazzycakes, the duo was named York because they were both from New York. They also were a couple for two years, one year before they joined Lunchclub.

What happened?

They were both part of LunchClub for a year before Jazzycakes or Jasmine stopped appearing in most of them, and when she did appear she would rarely speak until she disappeared all together. Soon they made a video discussing that she had left for a good reason and to not send any hate.

People flooded Schlatt's Twitter and asked what happened and if they were still dating, Jasmine made a tweet in July 2020 stating that they were no longer together and please not to ask any questions about what happened or ship them (which has not been listened too) they still get shipped and edits of them are made on tiktok.

After that she disappeared for five months before uploading a video on youtube talking about what happened, it only had ten thousand views before it was privated a week after.

She had begged people not to share the video and it has been found out that she secretly dm'd people and asked them to unpost the video if they uploaded it. I haven't seen it so if anyone has it please show me and I'll show everyone else!

I really ship them and hope they get back together or become friends again <3


Froggie speaks!Boundaries are meant to be listened to! If someone isn't comfortable with something you don't do it anyways!

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Froggie speaks!
Boundaries are meant to be listened to! If someone isn't comfortable with something you don't do it anyways!

wowie . jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now