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"I'd buy anything for you"

"I'd buy anything for you"

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Real life!


"YEAH?" I bring the phone up to my ear, rubbing my eyes. Why was Charlie calling so late?

"Jaz is all the way in Vermont for her family reunion, and apparently her sister told her they were meeting somewhere which wasn't actually true. So now she's standing in the pouring rain with a dead phone in the middle of the night" Charlie explains quickly.

"What..? Don't you live in Vermont?" I sit up, turning my light on.

"Yeah but...I'm all the way in the U.K" Charlie sighs.

"Okay, I'm getting ready."

3rd person!

Schlatt's car turns the corner, the lights from the car illuminating a figure standing in the pouring rain.

The car stops right next to the person in the rain, Schlatt steps out of the car and walks to the other side.

A pair of feet make Jasmine look up from her own pair, her eyes blurry and the dark not making the person's face visible.

Schlatt takes out his phone, turning on the flashlight. The two seeing each others faces. "Hey loser" Schlatt smiles.

Jasmine chokes out a sob and throws her arms around Schlatt's neck. His eyes widen, slowly lifting his arms as he stares at the side of her head and slowly bringing his arms around her waist. "I-I-"

He softly smiles, placing a hand on the back of her head. "...I know, I know..." she buries her face into the crook of his neck, his mutton chops scratching her skin.

"I...I don't k-know why I-I believed her..." she sobs.

"'s okay...I'm here..." He made sure to speak quietly, those words were for her and her only.

"...I hate e-everyone..!" Jasmine's tears soak his shoulder, he nods and pats the back of her head.

"Understandable..." He laughs. "How 'bout we ditch this shitty state and go back to the city that never sleeps?" He looks down at her.

She just nods.



Oh my god, your sister fucking sucks" I roll my eyes and grabbing my coca cola from McDonald's. "Did you leave anything there?"

"Just my Schlatt & co. Merch" Min smiles, taking my soda from my hand and taking a sip.
I try to hide my smile by looking away from her. "Huh, maybe I should start getting coca cola instead of sprite"

"Anyways, I can just get you some new merch" I cross my arms and rest them on the table.

"Are you kidding me? Schlatt that shirt was the first one! No way" she sets the soda down and shakes her head.

"Ooh" I laugh. "You owe me" I lean back in my chair.

"Oh?" She smirks. "What do I owe you J?" She leans forward, taking a few fries from my container because she ate all hers. Usually I would be a bit pissed but she was just balling her eyes out 30 minutes ago so I let it go.

" know what?" I uncross my arms, sitting up straight. "It's late, were eating McDonald's at 4 in the fucking morning. I missed this." I change the topic, swallowing nervously.

She smiles and nods, resting her head in her hands and squishing her face. I smile as I hide my flustered state with my facial hair. "This is pretty great, McDonald's is great"

I nod. "It is really fucking late though, you wanna stay the night?" I ask her as I stand up from my chair.

"Well...I can get home-"

"Min, you're gonna get jumped. Come on" I tilt my head to the side, pursing my lips. "You can sleep on the floor, maybe the couch if I'm feeling generous" I smirk as she smiles at my joke. "Nah, you know I'm just playing"

"Fine" she giggles and stands up.

"Your stuffs still in the car so I'll just get you one of my hoodies" I turn to my bedroom, leaving her at the table for a moment.

"Okay, you need anything before I go to bed?" I lean on the doorframe as I watch Min sit down on the couch in my tye dye hoodie, she was one of those girls to wear boxers which made her look so much cuter in my mind.

"No J" she smiles and rolls her eyes. "That's the 4th time you've asked that"

I smile back. "Yeah. I know." I push myself off the wall. "Goodnight Min"

"Night J"

"And before we pass out I'd just like to say that is my most prized hoodie. I will murder you if you ruin it" I point a finger at her.

"Oh don't worry, I'm only making it better" we both smile at eachother.

"...your making me look bad in it..." I whisper under my breath.

"What'd you say?" She asks me.

"Nothing! Night Min!"

"Nothing! Night Min!"

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