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"I can't look at girls now"

"I can't look at girls now"

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Real life!


"I SAW THAT COMMENT" Ted chuckles. We were just getting ready for the chuckle sandwich podcast, my eyes were fixated on my phone that had Wilbur's stream open.

"Whatever Ted" I roll my eyes.

"No not whatever, are you working on an apology?" He asks, leaning back in his chair.

"No" I furrow my eyebrows. "That's like my brand, I don't apologize"

"I think you should apologize" Tucker chimes in.

"She won't accept it anyways" I sigh. "I was a dick"

Ted shrugs, a grin on his face. "I don't know Schlatt, I think she'll-"

"Oh and now Wilbur had a crush on her apparently?!" I complain.

"But that was two years ago..?" Tucker says, I guess he had the stream open to.

"That was when I was fucking dating her!" I adjust the headband on my head. "Oh my god...Let's just get this podcast over with"

"What's up J?" Min asks looking at her phone, I look down at mine. My other hand on the steering wheel, a bottle by my side.

"Hey Min!" I smile at her.

"What are you doing?" She spoke softly, she could tell something was up.

"I'm drunk driving!"

"What?!" I hear Wilbur's voice, I roll my eyes. "Schlatt-"

"In a game!" I huff, turning my camera towards my computer screen.

"Oh fuck you scared me" Min laughs.

"What day is it today?" I ask before letting go of the steering wheel and taking a swig of whiskey, I set the bottle down and quickly grab the wheel again.

"Thursday" Min tells me.

"So your still not back home?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No, I'm still not back home J" she smiles. "Do you have water next to you?"

"Wha-? I'm not drunk, you can only tell I'm drunk when I start swerving on the road"

"J you're not even on the road"

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