twenty two

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"Everyone was a third wheel."

Real life and Internet!

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Real life and Internet!


"SO WHY ARE YOU HIDING AT MY PLACE?" I ask Min as she pulls Jambo into her lap, she was sitting on the floor and petting Jambo.

"My cousin is moving here because my Lunts wanted to live closer to the family" Min explains. "-and before you ask what a Lunt is- it's a lesbian Aunt"

"Oookay" I walk over and sit down next to her, going to pet Jambo but she pulls him away. I roll my eyes. "Well why don't you like your cousin?"

"Mega minecraft fan" she groans. "Everytime he visits he admires my collection of youtooz and asks if I have any Wilbur Soot merch- the answer is always fucking yes! But it won't be if he keeps stealing it!" She huffs.

"Oh, a Wilbur soot fan. Gotta watch out for those" I joke.

"He's also a fan of you, he doesn't even know you and me used to be dating. All he knows is that we've been good 'friends' since Lunch club, I don't even know how he missed the kissing in those videos...He doesn't own Twitter because he says it's for old bitches named Susan and some 12 year olds that make gay their personality." She rolls her eyes as I start laughing.

"God I feel like I like the kid already, what's his name? Age?" I ask.

"Eli, he's 15" she shrugs. "Though we're not related I feel like he's the closest family I have."


She nods. "He's cool and I love him but him talking about minecraft can get tiring"

"Can...Can I have Jambo now?" I place my hand on Jambo's head, Min smacks it away.

"No, Jambo likes me more."

Schlatt | @Jschlatt • Just now

Schlatt | @Jschlatt • Just now

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