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vogue had a very big and broad audience, each with different interests, and they knew this. so, when a new and upcoming celebrity came to their channel, they would not waste time to try and get them to do as many and varied content as possible (consciously and willingly of course), going from makeup and skin care, to what they did on their day to day lives and, even where they lived. going to spain's headquarters of the previously mentioned company genuinely made raquel happy. she really felt like she was in a bliss and she really wanted to stay feeling like that.

when first arriving, she had been treated like royalty, and people were all so kind with her and each other making it an overall better experience that she didn't want to end but, sadly, like all good things it did.

she had a great time, but she didn't know if she would say the same thing the day after, when she would go to the stadium where some players will interact with her for social media. she thought it would be awkward, weird and somehow boring, but oh how wrong she would be.


marce told her that the team had been hinting at the possible collaboration by using her songs for their content which had already brought quite a lot more audience to their instagram, giving them the great idea of actually making some videos, and, if it felt right, maybe even a contract to be partners and use each other's face or brands for their own benefit.

this could end very good or very very bad.

she was nervous, she really hoped she would get along with the guys. she knew how pr worked, seeing as this was precisely that, it was just public, but like every other time she has, she would try to make it genuine, she just hoped they would too.

arriving at camp nou, she left the van and walked towards the entrance with marce by her side. her hands were sweating, no matter how extroverted she was, or pretended to be, she still got nervous in new places where she didn't know anyone, and right when her mind was starting to drift to all those doubts that would cross her mind, she felt a squeeze on her shoulder, making her look to her side, where she found marce looking to the front where she saw a lady, a man, and what looked like a guard.

'hello! how are you?' said the lady with a little too much excitement, making haste in her steps, forcing the two men next to her to walk faster, not wanting to stay behind. 'i'm sara salahpour, i'm a big fan.' she said with a bright smile while hugging raquel tightly, which weirdly enough, comforted her in a nice way.

'it's nice to meet you too' was all raquel replied before remembering who was next to her. 'oh, this is marce, my manager, she's more a friend though.'

'hi marce, this is ferran, our pr head of the team, you'll be working closely with him while i will work with raquel' sara explained while gazing at the two women and her boss making sure everyone was okay with that.

'oh that's fine!' was all marce replied while ferran shook both raquel and marce's hands.

'come with me please, marce.' was all ferran said forcing marce to follow not before giving the young girl a kiss on the forehead to later walk away.

'follow me.' was all raquel heard before walking behind the woman she had met minutes ago.


chapter five is out, raquel is an insecure smol bean that pretends to be an outgoing badass like myself,ain't that cute?

anyways, almost time for my two babies meet each other.

don't forget to vote and comment!

love, nini


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