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'hello culers, i am here with pedri, gavi, and a very special guest, drum roll please...' ansu said with a happy tone and an equally happy face. 'raquel ordaz!'

'today we are going to be asking some sports trivia and whoever dings their bell first and answers correctly gets the point.' continued pedri, but to be fair, no one was really paying attention to him but rather to the youngest teens there who were nudging each other in a playful manner.

it wasn't until raquel received a nudge from her other side that she spoke to the camera.

'let's do this!' she said happily, causing everyone to laugh.

'question number 1' began sara. 'how many players are on the court during a basketball game per team?' she asked loudly to make sure everyone was listening.

raquel knew this seeing as she played herself so without hesitation she dinged her bell.

'five.' she said confidently. receiving her first point of the challenge.

'what year did messi debut in our team?' she asked moments later.

this however, raquel did not know. the other three boys, however, made a mess just to answer, pedri being the first and answering in an unwavering manner.

'2004' he said smugly while looking towards the other two boys.

'wow' raquel said impressed. 'i know he is a legend, that man is talented, but he debuted before i was even born.' she said chuckling.

this caused the boys to chuckle softly, gavi found it cute how her face held disbelief and amusement all together.

'what number does the chelsea player mason mount uses? now this, raquel knew. she had always been a great listener, louis loved to talk about british teams and she loved to listen. some facts where ought to stick in her memories.

'9?' ansu said

'29?' said pedri

'i don't know' mustered pablo sounding defeated.

and before sara could say the right answer, raquel said quietly, yet loud enough for people to hear:

'19.' while looking at her shoes, catching herself dwelling on the past and the pain it held beforelooking up and saying it again. 'he uses number 19.'

'how did you know?' asked ansu impressed.

'my ex liked to ramble and i liked to listen.' was all she said with a bittersweet smile. sara noticing the discomfort went over to the next question.

'how many grand slams does federer have?'

but before they could answer anything quel asked 'individual titles?' and not knowing exactly what she meant, sara simply said yes, and consequently, the hispanic girl answered almost lazily:

'20' while making a small shrug.

the challenge went on, asking about tons of sports and bickering left and right. up until they were all tied with 5 points each, making the last question the defining one.

'who was the formula 1 world champion of 2009?'

none of them rang the bell. pedri had no clue, ansu did not know every champion ever, gavi tried to think of who could possibly be and quel was tracing the timeline.

'wait wait wait' quel began to think out loud. '20 ham, 19 ham, 18 ham, 17 ham, 16 rosberg who beat lewis hamilton in equal machinery, 15 ham, 14 ham, 13 vettel, 12 vettel, 11 vettel, 10 vettel, 09 button.' she said muttering 'BUTTON! JENSON BUTTON!' she said loudly this time 'jenson button and then vettel's championships came. the year prior to button was hamilton though.' she said almost sounding like a web page which made her flush and apologize, causing everyone to laugh at her passion not a lot of people knew about finding amusing how passionate she was for the sport.

'that's it! raquel ordaz wins everyone!' said sara excitedly.

'well everyone, this was this week's challenge, subscribe down below and comment!' said gavi before the camera cut.

that was fun.


that was hard to write, i really liked the idea of making pablo a softie while he has a hard and serious exterior so here is a small glimpse of what pablo's simp era will be like.

don't forget to vote and comment and tell me what you think!

love, nini xoxo

mine - p. gaviWhere stories live. Discover now