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the date was august 16th 2021, her album had just been released and raquel couldn't be happier.

she was over the moon actually. 

her manager, and her mom's best friend, was talking to her family, while she let all the events take place. she was at her nana's house, her friends and family were all there celebrating the release of 'fever dream' her first studio album.

ximena santacruz aka raquel's best friend noticed her usually talkative friend uncharacteristically quiet. making her way next to her, she shook her out of her thoughts by almost giving her a heart attack.

'hey, you are unusually quiet' is what came out of mena's mouth.

'i guess i just can't believe this is real' was all raquel had to say.

'well, you better do, because you are leaving us tomorrow to go to interviews for like a month, if not more, and you are leaving us to deal with eric and alan.' mena blurted out with a smile that turned into a grimace towards the end.

quel was confused. 

'deal with eric and alan? why?' was all she said.

'because they are crushing so badly on you it hurts to watch' she told her in dibelief. ximena was smart and she knew her friend was too, way more than she showed the world, but boy, when it came to love, she was as oblivious as patrick star, if not more.

'they are not, they are just good friends' was all rquel could reply.

'whatever floats your boat i guess, anyways, congrats, and i'm gonna miss you' mena said as she hugged her best friend tightly.

'i'm gonna miss you too, i'll call you guys during lunch time so you can catch me up, and please send me the links for the assignments, don't just put my name on the works, i feel bad.' she replied while she reciprocated the hug.

after a while, people started to leave so she took the chance to check her phone. her album was trending all over the internet, people talking abou it and singing along to it. she was really happy, she couldn't even put it to words and she hoped this would just be the beginning of a new chapter in her life. 

a few hours later, she was boarding a plane to do press and content to promote her album.

her first stop: LA


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love, nini.

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