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the day of the game had come. raquel was excited, and mena was too. after the conversation the previous night raquel showed mena what she had been writing and if mena was asked, the lyrics were every good.

the day of the game had been pretty uneventful, they had however, arranged to meet pedri there who would save them seats since he wouldn't be playing due to an injury that was in the process of healing.

after arriving inside and passing unnoticed through the halls where tons of fans were looking for their seats, they found pedri with two empty seats next to him. he noticed them pretty fast and signaled them to the seats greeting them once they were sat.

'did you have a hard time finding the seats?' asked pedri looking between the two mexicans.

'not really, we know our way around stadiums. the organization is pretty much the same everywhere.' said mena while pointing to the indicators with the sections printed neatly.

'really? how so?' asked pedri.

'well, they either follow by number or letter and it just depends on the size or the amount of seats. the stadium we know the most is the baseball stadium back home, which is pretty much the same except it has less seats. way less.' said quel after thinking a little while slightly reminiscing about the game she attended a few weeks ago in which the naranjeros won.

'oh right, baseball is a big thing back where you're from.' he said remembering one of the first conversations they shared.

'it is, yeah' said quel before noticing the players come out to warm up.

she saw many different reactions from the crowd, some cheers and screams but also some people screaming for the players to come over to sign their merch. quel immediately started to look for a specific player though, mena and pedri noticing, turning to each other and smirking lightly. pedri had chosen to become cupid a while ago and he had just found his helper.


down in the changing rooms, a nervous pablo was getting ready to go warm up. some of his teammates had had enough though, so with the little amount they had left they slightly cornered him while looking out for any camera that could capture the conversation that was about to happen.

'hey, gavi! what's got you so- i don't know- weird? this last few days?' dembélé muttered while sitting next to him, getting the attention of other people around, earning a series of yeah's.

'what do you mean?' pablo asked nervously not really willing to have the same conversation he had with pedri a few weeks ago where he admitted to be in the process of falling for the mexican singer.

'i think you know.' said sergio busquets while sitting on his other side.

'does this have to do with the reason you suddenly started to depend on your phone?' asked ansu with a smirk.

'don't get us wrong kid, your improvements on the field have been flawless, and we're happy for you but we've noticed changes on your attitude as well, and not negatively either, we're just curious as to what has you so unusually happy lately.' balde said good naturedly.

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