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eleven hours and twenty one minutes was the time they spent flying from mexico city to barcelona. as soon as they got their bags they called a cab and made their way to the hotel while informing their loved ones of their safe arrival.

after paying the guy that drove them and kind of toured them through the streets they passed, they checked in and made their way to their room before changing into a better outfit to go eat something.

since quel had called dibs on the bathroom first she was done getting ready earlier. the football game was the next day in the evening, meaning the two mexican girls would be able to walk around and discover the streets of barcelona.

while mena was finishing, she texted the reason or rather the guy they were there for.

hey pablo! just wanted to let you know

we arrived to our hotel already!

getting a quick response that made raquel's heart warm.

why didn't you tell me sooner?! i could have

gotten you a car or a driver for your stay!

oh please no! it's alright. really.

we will go out to eat in a few minutes and we will

walk around the streets tomorrow.

alright then, at least let me recommend some

places for you to eat. what were you planning on getting?

we didn't know haha. we were going to look around for a nice place.

what hotel are you staying at? so i can look for a good place nearby.

hotel SOFIA.

that's really close to the stadium! if you want sushi there's 4makis

and if you want italian you can try la pizzeria d'arana.

thank you pablo! i'll let you know which one we chose :)

not waiting for a reply, she approached mena who was almost done getting ready.

'so, asian or italian?' quel asked while putting her back against the counter so she could see mena's face directly.

'what?' said mena confused.

'pablo recommended two places near here. one's italian and one is asian, mostly sushi apparently.' she said looking at her phone while looking at the pictures she could find in google.

'ooh pablooo' mena said teasingly while smirking, making quel slap her head while turning a light shade of pink.

'no but seriously, whichever is closer i guess i'm really tired and i know you are too.' mena said after calming down before her face lit up. 'you should invite him!' she exclaimed, making quel look up form her phone quickly.

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