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any negative emotion possible, raquel was feeling it, nerves, anxiety, fear, panic, you name it, she felt it.

she could ignore him, but that would be rude, she could talk to someone else but that would be rude, she could-no. she was a big girl and she was going to behave like an adult.

'raquel?' and just like that, she was brought back to reality.

she looked up to see a slightly tense louis with a very annoyed sydney.

'hi' she squeaked out before clearing her throat 'hi.' she said more clearly and way more seriously than she would usually behave, after all, it was her ex she was speaking to.

'how are you?' louis tried to make small talk with a weird look in his eyes, almost pleading in a way, which made no sense in quel's head so she ignored it by answering while looking anywhere but his eyes. big mistake, instead she locked eyes with sydney chandler who was quite literally glaring daggers in her direction which to be honest, it did not intimidate her one bit. the fact that she felt threatened by a younger, more naive girl that got left by her current boyfriend made quel think about how low her self-esteem probably was, as far as she knew, louis partridge was as good as over raquel ordaz, or so she thought.

locking eyes back to louis forced her to answer a short 'fine, thanks!' not really trying to get the conversation going unlike louis who kept trying to keep the conversation alive in a very stupid way if the author may add.

'so, what brings you here?' asked louis before noticing the irony and stupidity in his question and before he could mend it raquel looked at him with a deadpanned look.

'i got nominated?' she said with a little of sarcasm laced in her even more tense voice.

'right! for fever dream, your debut studio album! loved it by the way!' he tried to mend his previous mistake by making yet another one.

what the actual fuck?

was all raquel thought. thankfully, she did not voice this thought. she was better than that.

'really?' she said with disbelief clear in her question.

'yeah! no matter the motives you wrote it with, it's beautiful, i always believed in you.' he said after thinking a little. and despite this not making any sense in raquel's head she just muttered a small thanks with furrowed brows, and when sydney was about to say something she assumed would be rude as hell, they were called to the carpet making the young singer sigh in relief.


the awards were about to begin and to her amazing luck (no sarcasm this time) while she was looking at her phone re-reading the text from the spanish boy that made her smile she heard a voice she had only dreamed of listening to in real life.

'who're you smiling to?' she heard next to her and if she had not been conscious of the cameras possibly filming her she would have screamed and fangirled hard.

looking to her left she saw none other than her biggest inspiration to do what she loved. she wore a smile and her characteristic red lipstick on it, her eyes shining with amusement while waiting for an answer.

'uh-um- well, you know... wait. it's just- you're taylor swift and i love you so much i can't think' she began before taking a deep breath, amusing the blonde singer even more. 'he's a friend.' she said after thinking for a little.

'a friend?' she said not believing her.

'yeah?' quel replied starting to lose confidence about her answer. 'i don't know, i mean we have only met once, we only text and sometimes call each other.' she rambled to taylor as if she was her closest friend.

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