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finals had gone great. excellent grades except in math. more than 90 points in everything, except in math. but they were good results nonetheless. her bags were packed and she was getting ready to go pick mena up.

it was 4 o'clock on the 16th of december. they were set to arrive in spain the 17th in the middle of the night seeing as there were several connections they had to make and raquel ordaz was excited. excited for traveling, excited for traveling with her best friend, excited for traveling to spain with her best friend, but also excited to travel to spain with her best friend to see pablo again.

her conversation with taylor swift during the award ceremony really helped her. she got clarity about her own feelings. her conclusion was: pablo brings her calm and content. their conversations that can last hours on end help her not get stuck in her own head. he is really really but extremely handsome and this made her comfortable and happy. she liked him. but not liked liking rather liked liked him if you know what i'm saying.

this however wasn't known by anyone except for taylor swift whom she called a week ago in the middle of the night asking for help before realizing she probably woke her up and apologized profusely. taylor however reassured her that it was fine and started giving her advice.

raquel although conscious of taylor's boyfriend possibly being in the same room, she believed him to be asleep but when she heard a british man's voice from the speaker she freaked before listening to his point of view which proved to be useful to open up about her own feelings and sympathy for the spanish boy if she ever decided to act on the feelings she was quickly developing. after that conversation, she hung up letting them sleep before writing a few notes in her music journal.

I would drive all night to get to you

But my curfew is early and moms up at home

I would run for miles to get to you

But you gotta understand I can't 'cause


i'm minorly stuck

and it's not your fault

just how things are


i'm all out of luck

i'm minorly stuck

after that, she kept reflecting and made the decision of coming clean with her best friend before telling anyone else about the growing feelings in raquel's heart.

as she made her way out of her house after bidding her family goodbye, she started the car and drove to mena's house. once there, they got her bags in the car and made their way to the airport.

after stopping for a few pictures and autographs they walked to leave their bags and then made haste to find good seats at the premier lounge.


after choosing to buy some coffee, they were waiting for their plane to arrive so they could board and raquel thought it was the perfect moment to tell mena what had been clouding her thoughts.

'hey mena?' she began hesitantly.

'yeah?' she replied not looking at her but rather to the multiple planes through the window.

'i have to tell you something important.' she said quietly.

mena's head spun impossibly fast in her direction with worry after listening the tone her best friend used.

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