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raquel ordaz had amazing friends and she took pride in that. this days you can't find good friends that easily and she knew that so she cherished her friend group and the acquaintances she had. this known, however, was not enough for her to understand the incoming call in her phone.

eric cruz was a constant in her life. he was a great friend. he was intelligent, funny, caring and to be honest, quite handsome but even with all this, she never really liked him in more than a friendly manner. her friends often told her he had a crush on her, along with another boy from their year but she never really paid them any mind.

eric was calling her and she didn't know why, they weren't in the same class so it wasn't for a school project, so she curiously stood up and walked away from the conversation with the football players to pick up the call noticing how marce was making her way to the field as well.

'bueno?' she picked up.

'ana! hey! how are you?' she heard from the other side of the line.

'hey eric' she began with a small smile in her face 'all's good, thanks' she said chuckling at marce's curious stare.

'so, i was thinking, next week when you're already here obviously.' he began nervously making quel understand what he was about to do. 'i was thinking we could hang out, maybe go to the food truck park close to downtown.' he continued slightly more confidently.

raquel loved eric (as a friend) and she never saw him as something more, so letting him down was hard for her, but luckily, she was creative.

'yeah! of course!' she began. 'i'll tell my friends through our group chat. does friday sound good?' she said chirpily. 'i'll text you the details in a few, i have a meeting to attend, i'm very busy you know?' she continued nonchalantly before bidding goodbye and hanging up. looking up to see a very amused ansu, a confused pedri, a weird pablo and a laughing marce.

annoyed, all she could tell her manager was 'not a word...' through gritted teeth, before turning to the three boys and apologizing for leaving so suddenly from their conversation.

she had a lot to talk about with her friends, along with a huge amount of i told you so's.

after following all the guys on instagram, they bid each other goodbye and left to their hotel where they would rest before flying back to mexico where she would have some projects to finish for school and a few online meetings with her team seeing as she was going to be releasing some content about the creation of her album on youtube.

she would eventually interact with the guys and the team's instagram and to be honest, raquel was going to keep doing so even after the release of the awaited video. throughout the next weeks, she would talk to the boys about everything and anything, getting to know each other despite the very different time zones creating an excellent bond with the young athletes.

when she landed back in her beautiful home in mexico, she saw her friends and family waiting for her and marce and they spared no time in walking over to them and greeting everyone. small talk grew between everyone before they headed to the parking lot where they parted ways to reach a restaurant where they would have dinner before going back to their business the day after where they would go back to their busy lives as adults or students.

setting in a restaurant 15 minutes away from the airport, they all sat together talking with each other, often asking the newly arrived women about their trip when suddenly they heard the restaurant door open causing them to curiously look who it was, and to raquel's luck, it was someone who she rather had not seen.

alan arreguín.

he, like eric, had fallen for her charms, but who could blame him really, however, he was in the same position as eric, none of them stood a chance.

so when he made eye contact with her and waved, she couldn't be rude and waved back with a tight lipped smile. again, she played dumb but wasn't really. she knew his intentions, she just chose to ignore them, not wanting to hurt him but being careful in not getting his hopes up in any way since she still valued his friendship along with eric's very much.

teasing looks were directed her way while marce muttered a small 'him too?' which was only heard by her friends, causing them to send questioning glances that she calmed down with an 'i'll tell you tomorrow' before focusing back in their conversations.

waking up at 6 a.m. the next day made her feel miserable but she had no choice, she had school! and don't get her wrong, she loved going, seeing her friends and actually learning, this however, did not change the fact that she is not and never will be a morning person.

after getting ready she made her way to the kitchen where her dad was making her mom's lunch, giving him a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her bag that had her ipad, chargers, airpods and a small notebook along with a pen in case she felt inspired to write.

getting in her car, she started the engine and played some music before driving away to school not before grabbing herself a drink in a coffee drive thru and getting something for her friends as well.

making her way to the table in one of the yards by 7:30, she sat down on the last empty spot on the table saying loud enough for just them to hear.

'i brought gossip coffee.' recalling one of their traditions. whenever one of them had good gossip, they would buy a snack or drink and would use the prefix gossip to announce they had something to tell.

earning a series of 'ooh's' before sorting the drinks to their respectful owner.

'spill' said key eagerly earning nods around the table making her talk about the phone call she received while in spain.

'what did you say after?' mileth asked curiously

'i told him i would tell you guys. i panicked, i did not have the guts to tell him no so i made him believe i assumed it was a group hang out.' she said while looking around making sure no one heard.

'that was clever' oscar said chuckling slightly.

'so, when are we going out then?' one of the ximenas asked.

'friday night.' quel replied calmly. 'we can go eat lunch after school and hang out somewhere else before meeting him there.' she said after thinking a little.

'by the way,' the other ximena said smugly 'i told you so' causing all of them, including quel to laugh.

then it was settled. although she felt guilty for lying, she felt it was better then outright rejecting him. they talked for a little longer before they had to head to class where there thoughts would now be consumed by actual educative topics.


hi, new chapter yay! hope you like it :)

in case you didn't notice, weird pablo is actually jealous pablo but since raquel doesn't really know him or what his actions mean, it's just the way she could interpret it since the story is from her pov.

don't forget to vote and comment!

tell me what you think!

if you have any headcannons about quel and pablo or her friends tell me about it, i'd love to read them, and if i really liked them i may ask for permission to use them (with their respective credit ofc).

love, nini


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