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raquel was driving with marce to the airport, they were on their way to los angeles where she was going to attend the american music awards, where she was nominated for seven categories, plus she would make a presentation there as well. she was happy, nervous, excited, nervous, thankful and did i say nervous?

she was going to perform a sort of mashup of a few of her songs, but that wasn't what made her nervous. no. what was wrecking her was that amongst the list of invited celebrities, was none other than teen sensation louis patridge and most likely his plus one would be his new girlfriend sydney.

now, she was over him, yes, but she felt anxious due to the fact that the songs she was going to sing were about him. she did not feel bad even though she knew she should have, it was his fault messing with a song writer, but in the end, she knew he was getting enough hate as it was from her fanbase, which she tried to stop through tweets saying whoever she wrote songs about did not deserve to be attacked and that they should leave names out of it, since she didn't give them herself, after all, no matter what everyone deserved kindness, no matter their mistakes or actions.


after arriving, they had a series of fittings and meetings to attend regarding what would happen the day after, and through the hectic day, she was able to see a small but meaningful dm from a boy she had learned to understand and quickly became fond of that simply read:

hey! heard you're in la, hope everything goes okay

good luck! <3

now, she usually would have just texted back but the small heart at the end of the text made her panic only replying


putting her phone down since she was talking with the band and sound engineers, she looked around recognizing the faces that played alongside her during her presentation in the late late show. they had officially signed a contract a few weeks ago stating they would be her band officially which raquel was very happy about. she connected with them so well and in case she ever went on the road with them, she knew she would have a blast.

they had decided the setlist to rehearse: they would begin with the first verse of the song that started everything, driver's license, then, something to move everyone with good 4 u, colliding with the bridge of jealousy jealousy and instead of finishing the song along with the presentation, they would sing an unreleased song that didn't make the cut, that now that she knew louis would be there, she would rather die, however, the segment was already done and timed, she couldn't take it off so close to the date.


it was the day after when she opened the door nearing noon to receive her stylist, makeup and hair team. they had chosen a beautiful lavender flowy dress that had strips around her waist showing her clear skin with a skirt that reached her ankles along with a pair of silver heels that looked like they had some sort of plant growing, and her hair was loose in soft waves along with some hair extensions. her makeup was mostly natural in keeping her looking her age, not making her look older with beautiful glitter in her eyes along with some little lavender stars glued to her eyelids. for jewelry, she wore her signature silver rings and a small pendant that held a tiny butterfly. the makeup and hair would be multifunctional seeing as it would be her look for her presentation, so she would only have to change clothes.

making her way to the car that would drive her and her team she was looking through her phone looking for some sort of comfort from her parents texts or maybe her friends but nothing worked but when she went to instagram she saw the message the spanish boy had left the day before and somehow, it did what any other message failed to do, she felt confident and ready.


walking out and hearing instant cheering made her feel all fuzzy and happy, she felt a thousand times better after the whole dm deal so walking out of the car and seeing people cheering for her only made her feel better. with a genuine smile she started waving at everyone getting even more cheers than she had before walking behind a guard towards the carpet where she would be making a few interviews which slightly brought a bit of anxiety back, then she reminded herself it was part of what she had to do to reach her dreams.

as she reached the first interviewer she forgot about everything and simply greeted her and started to answer a few questions. and she did the same for the next few minutes with other interviewers finally reaching the social media section where she saw a girl named lindsey that invited her over to ask her a question for the channel she was working with.

'hey there!' began quel cheerily.

'hello, how are you?' she began with the same tone 'i love your dress, you bring such a magical vibe!' she continues making raquel blush slightly at the compliment.

'thanks!' she said flustered but giving a compliment back. ' you look beautiful too' she finished.

'oh you're too sweet! but back to business, we are asking every single artist here what song has been stuck in their heads for the last few days, so what's yours?'

'ooh, well i'll be very honest with you, maneskin has been one of the most streamed artists in my profile according to receiptify, and i'm very proud of that and one of the songs i can't get out of my head is probably 'coraline' or maybe even 'torna a casa', but honestly any of their songs is such a bop and i just love their stage presence as well so right now my vibe is weirdly enough compared to my outfit, hard rock.' she said after thinking a little.

'wow, i love that' lindsey said with a charming smile 'well, i'll let you go so you can keep going with your carpet route, have a great night!' finished lindsey waving her off as raquel walked away shouting a 'thank you, you too!'

after the interviews, she went towards where the pictures would be taken and to her great luck (note the sarcasm) in front of her in the line was none other than louis patridge with an arrogant, smiley sydney chandler.

looking for an escape route she didn't notice a curious louis turning around to find the girl whose heart he had broken standing behind him and it wasn't until she heard her name being called that she locked gazes with him and his plus one that she really regretted every life decision she had ever made based on her emotions. and it was that voice that made her want to leave, cry, crawl to bed and never get out. the guilt she swore not to feel hit her like bricks and listening to her name being called by him only made her notice that despite being over him, he still had a place in her heart and she wasn't really ready to see him again despite not loving him the way she did before.

'raquel?' was all she heard and that's when she remembered where she was and the fact that there were tons of cameras pointed in their direction trying to get first glimpses of the celebrities that were about to walk towards the carpet.

this could end very good or very bad, and raquel knew and felt in her gut it would be the latter.


hey! sorry i disappeared but i have been very busy with tests and although i'm not done yet, i found a bit of time to finsh this chapter that i had begun to write a while ago.

don'y forget to vote and comment!

tell me what you think!

love, nini


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